Psicología infantil y evolutiva/del desarrollo

Sociedad y ciencias sociales / Psicología / Psicología infantil y evolutiva/del desarrollo (1887)

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  • L’effet Psychologique Des Couleurs Dans Notre Vie
    Quelle couleur est la plus sympathique?Quelle couleur vous fait sentir détendu?Comment la couleur affecte-t-elle nos pensées?Pourquoi nous sentons-nous attirés par certaines couleurs?Saviez-vous que la couleur peut être utilisée pour améliorer la mise au point?Comment fonctionne exactement la psychologie des couleurs? Ces questions, ainsi que bien d’autres trouvent une réponse ...

    16,26 €

  • Psychologia Rozwoju Człowieka (Psychologia Rozwoju)
    Jakub Kowalczyk
    Podstawy psychologii rozwoju w okresie dorastania i dzieciństwa Rozwój małego dziecka jest nie tylko fascynujący, ale i niesamowicie złożony. Dzieci przechodzą przez etapy rozwoju, które nie mogłyby być trudniejsze. To istne góry, na które te małe istoty muszą się wspiąć nie tylko w pierwszych latach życia, ale które będą kształtować całe ich życie. Jednak dzieci nie przechodzą...

    10,61 €

  • The Role of Child Life Specialists in Community Settings
    While the genesis of the Certified Child Life Specialists (CCLS) is in the healthcare setting, the theory and practice of child life has been successfully applied to environments outside of the healthcare field. The interest and pursuit of child life roles in non-healthcare settings have increasingly become of interest to students and professionals; however, further study is re...

    242,85 €

  • The Role of Child Life Specialists in Community Settings
    While the genesis of the Certified Child Life Specialists (CCLS) is in the healthcare setting, the theory and practice of child life has been successfully applied to environments outside of the healthcare field. The interest and pursuit of child life roles in non-healthcare settings have increasingly become of interest to students and professionals; however, further study is re...

    321,77 €

  • Slave In Modern America
    D. Henry McGrath
    Slave In Modern America: From the Eyes of a Child raises the question of how do we recognize the 'unseen tortured child,' a question unanswered still today in modern America and in the world; yet, should be the primary issue of concern in every council and every chamber till resolved.What happens to the heart, soul, and spirit of an abused child as they grow up through phases o...

    22,83 €

  • Melodrama, Masculinity and International Art Cinema
    Alistair Fox
    This book offers a detailed study of how some of the most illustrious auteurs in the history of art cinema have made use of melodrama to represent masculine subjectivity on the screen. ...

    180,26 €

  • Teen Mental Health
    Len Sperry

    141,18 €

  • Självförtroende (Motivation)
    Finn Olsson
    Stärk självförtroendet - Få framgång i ditt yrkes- och privatliv genom att övervinna självtvivel och komplex. Den här boken är en djupgående guide om ämnet "att öka självförtroendet". Den förklarar vad som menas med begreppet självförtroende och klargör hur det skiljer sig från begrepp som narcissism och arrogans. Innehållet i boken är:Vad är självförtroende?Att lära sig att äl...

    10,88 €

  • The Truth Behind Hormone Replacement Therapy
    Selma Rashid
    The greatest tool for the prevention of age-related disease is also one of the medical community’s most closely held secrets: Hormone Replacement Therapy.Hormones assist you in the prevention of chronic disease and senile degeneration. Unfortunately, Hormone Replacement Therapy is rarely discussed by physicians, and the treatment has been the victim of much misinformation. It’s...

    21,10 €

  • Raising Mentally STRONG Kids
    Cristi Bundukamara
    Do you want to raise Mentally STRONG Kids?Do you want to support your children’s mental health in overcoming anxiety and hopelessness?Could your child benefit from learning new communication skills?Are you looking to help your child develop self-confidence?Raising Mentally STRONG kids is an educational curriculum that teaches mentors, teachers and parents how to support our chi...

    85,47 €

  • Psicologia do Desenvolvimento
    Luis Silva
    As bases da psicologia do desenvolvimento na adolescência e na infância. O desenvolvimento de uma criança pequena é não só fascinante, mas também incrivelmente complexo. As crianças passam por fases de desenvolvimento que não poderiam ser mais difíceis. Estas são verdadeiras montanhas que estes pequenos seres não só têm de escalar nos primeiros anos de vida, mas que irão moldar...

    9,57 €

  • Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents
    Lindsay C. Hoover
    Feelings of anger, loneliness, betrayal, or abandonment may linger if you were raised by a parent who was emotionally immature, unavailable, or selfish. You may look back on your childhood with regret because your emotional needs were not met, your feelings were ignored, or you assumed adult responsibilities to make up for your parent’s actions. You can get past these hurts an...

    14,62 €

  • Sabiduría para criar a tu bebé | Softcover | On Becoming Baby Wise
    Gary Ezzo

    12,64 €

  • Puberty For Boys
    Marvin Valerie Georgia
    What Your Son Needs To Know About His Body and His Sexuality When He Begins To Grow. Are you wondering where you should start in terms of puberty for boys? If you are, then this book will provide answers to all the questions you have about puberty for boys. This book is the ultimate guide to understanding the male body as it changes during puberty. It covers all of the sta...

    11,07 €

  • Puberty For Girls
    Marvin Valerie Georgia
    A Complete Guide to Puberty For Girls: Everything Your Daughter Needs To Know To Thrive During This Journey. Discovering the Truth About Puberty For Girls... And the Parents Who Love Them.This Book Will Answer Your Questions About Puberty, Help You Survive it and Enjoy It, And Give You Everything You Need to Know about the Changes Girls go through!Puberty for girls is an import...

    11,88 €

  • The importance of sentiment in promoting reasonableness in children
    Michael S Pritchard / Michael S. Pritchard
    The Importance of Sentiment in Promoting Reasonableness in Children explores the contributions that eighteenth-century Scottish philosophers Thomas Reid, Adam Smith, and David Hume make to our understanding of important factors in the development of children as they gradually acquire central features of reasonableness. Smith and Reid explicitly discuss the importance of sentime...

    35,72 €

  • Derivar a musicoterapia
    Javier Torres
    Derivar proviene, deriva, etimológicamente, del latín derivare: compuesto por la preposición ablativa de -que señala una distancia- y rivare -que se enlaza con llevar, conducir, hacer fluir-. Hallamos allí, entonces, una distancia a atravesar, por alguna razón, en un esbozo de algún tipo de empalme. Pero, ¿cuál es esa razón? ¿Resulta generalizable? Se cierne, en nuestro métier,...

    12,48 €

  • Ontwikkelingspsychologie (Kinder- en Jeugdpsychologie)
    Paul Van Dijk
    De grondbeginselen van ontwikkelingspsychologie in adolescentie en kindertijd De ontwikkeling van een jong kind is niet alleen fascinerend, maar ook ongelooflijk complex. Kinderen gaan door ontwikkelingsfasen die niet moeilijker kunnen zijn. Dit zijn echte bergen die deze kleine wezentjes niet alleen in hun eerste levensjaren moeten beklimmen, maar die hun hele leven vorm zulle...

    9,57 €

  • A Biopsychosociospiritual Taxonomy
    Dr. Stacy Burdick
    Sadly, and far too pervasive, submerged pain-narratives are so easily hidden and are historically, sometimes trapping humankind within gross diachronic amniotic darkness, where it is difficult to breath. Embodied within this murky quality of inundated, panic-ridden, personal pain; unresolved pain is conceiving a murderer, nurturing unhealthy, dysfunctional generativity. This gr...

    10,87 €

  • Healing Your Traumatized Child
    Aletha Jauch Solter
    Healing Your Traumatized Child explains how children (from birth to age twelve) can recover from traumatic experiences with their own parents acting as guides through the healing process. From bee stings and broken bones to wildfires and school shootings, most children experience some type of trauma while growing up. Luckily, children are born with the ability to recover from t...

    12,74 €

  • Roles of Justice in Bioethics
    Matti Hayry

    25,38 €

  • Brilliant Strengths
    Nicki Winter
    Do you work with students with dyslexia? Do you wonder how you can best support them? Licensed Dyslexia Specialist Nicki Winter, MEd, LDT, CALT, created Brilliant Strengths to provide you with the tools you need to increase self-esteem and reduce anxiety in students with dyslexia while empowering them to focus on their strengths and develop a love of reading. During each fiftee...

    38,95 €

  • El mito del déficit de atención con-sin hiperactividad -ADD/ADHD-
    Alejandro Huberman
    Me propongo a continuación dilucidar cómo es que se ha llegado al punto de poner en peligro la salud de nuestros hijos, mediante la administración de drogas psicoactivas potencialmente dañinas. Para eso voy a realizar un paneo sobrevolando factores socioeconómicos, docentes, familiares y del propio niño, que han puesto en movimiento a una poderosa industria farmacológica, que a...

    12,48 €

  • GO!
    Bente Skovby Burke / Emilie Frijs Due / Maria Kofod Techow
    For children and adults alike, moving abroad - even for only a few years - is a major life event. Secure and healthy relationships are important for children to thrive throughout the process. They need to feel a sense of coherence so that they can understand and manage the challenges they face. This book guides children ages 6-13 through their move abroad. By writing, drawing, ...

    39,57 €

  • Children’s Imagination
    Paul L. Harris

    25,23 €

  • Children’s Eyewitness Testimony and Event Memory
    Martha E. Arterberry

    25,23 €

  • Astrology, Psychology, and Transformation
    Bernie Ashman
    Astrology, Psychology, and Transformation shows the author’s ability to speak directly to the reader to share empowering information. Whether you are new to astrology, a student of the subject, or even a professional astrologer, the book is organized to expand your skills and allow you to tap into your creative abilities. Bernie Ashman has a talent for describing the signs, pla...

    21,38 €

  • The Child and the Curriculum
    John Dewey
    'The Child and the Curriculum' is a very insightful essay by John Dewey that displays a unique approach to the Child and the Curriculum. John Dewey understood that a child’s development and learning styles had nothing to do with being rational or orderly, but that the child must learn in their current state of mind which is very different from an adult. This 1902 essay shows ho...

    7,64 €

  • Renforcer l´estime de soi des jeunes
    Fabienne Rausch
    Ce livre traite de la confiance en soi, comme le suggère le sujet, mais il est écrit spécialement pour les jeunes adultes en pleine maturité. Comment développer l’amour de soi ?Comment faites-vous face au doute de soi ?Est-il normal de dire "non" de temps en temps et d’avoir des craintes, voire des inquiétudes ?Qui est égoïste et égocentrique, qui est simplement convaincu de lu...

    10,58 €

  • 200 Ways to Raise a Girl’s Self-Esteem
    Will Glennon
    An Empowering Book for Parenting Daughters with Self Worth'200 short reflections on topics ranging from how parents can become good role models to talking about emotions.'-Publisher’s WeeklyAs kids, girls often advance faster than boys, but fall behind by the time they are teens, victims of low self esteem and confusing standards of womanhood. 200 Ways to Raise a Girl’s Self-Es...

    16,50 €