Psicología popular

Salud y desarrollo personal / Autoayuda y desarrollo personal / Psicología popular (21908)

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  • Goal Setting 101 Achieve More Goals Than Ever! Faster!
    The Goal setting Mastery Book is a step by step practical guide on not only setting goals that line up with your purpose in life but also a step by step process of achieving these goals.Who needs this goal setting Book?This Book is designed for anyone who is looking to get unstuck in life and for anyone who wants to achieve their goals and needs a practical step by step guide o...

    19,41 €

  • Me Poupe - Se Poupe - Nos Poupe
    Magda Renata Cavazotti
    Imagine um mundo onde controlar suas finanças é tão divertido quanto um encontro com as amigas. É isso queMe poupe - Se poupe _ Nos poupetraz para você: uma abordagem descomplicada e animada sobre finanças pessoais, especialmente pensada para mulheres.Este livro é o seu passaporte para desvendar os mistérios do dinheiro sem perder a leveza. Com passos simples, desde aprender a ...

    7,64 €

  • Numagician
    God gave everyone a brilliant brain, but forgot the instruction manual!Have you seen someone smarter than you? They remember things easily, think quickly, and excel at everything they do.What if you could unlock your true potential, which is 10 times greater than you think?Fususu understands lacking confidence. With a 4-point Literature average, introversion, and shyness, he kn...

    12,83 €

  • Time to Ignite Your Light!
    Farrah Brown
    This little book is an amalgamation of powerful sayings and affirmations shared with others over the years. In this wellness journey, it is important to understand that words matter, and more importantly, YOU MATTER! This quick read will offer daily words of encouragement to ignite the light within you today!  This book includes the following:An uplifting saying for 30 days to ...

    4,99 €

  • The Achievement Blueprint
    Inner Power
    Embark on a transformative journey toward accomplishing your aspirations with 'Achievement Blueprint: Tactical Strategies for Goal Attainment.' This book is your comprehensive guide to mastering the art of achieving goals through strategic and tactical approaches.Explore the fundamental strategies essential for effective goal attainment. Discover the power of breaking down ambi...

    4,63 €

  • Propósito y misión de vida
    Jazmin Gonzalez
    ENCUENTRA TU PROPÓSITO Y MISIÓN DE VIDA.ENCUENTRA EL SENTIDO DE TU VIDA. El libro Propósito y misión de vida lo escribí con la intención de entregarte luz y claridad en tu proceso de descubrir el propósito y la misión de tu vida. Por experiencia propia, comprendo que la búsqueda del propósito y la misión de vida puede ser muy frustrante y desafiante, debido a la escaza informac...

    46,62 €

  • O Livro Do Vencedor
    Emily P. S. Leal
    Um livro que o Leitor escreve junto com o autor.Durante 366 páginas, para ser lida uma por dia, haverá uma lição e uma tarefa e no final desse ciclo, teremos um novo leitor, um leitor vencedor.Essa obra não é um livro de auto ajuda, é uma obra de co-criação.Aproveite esse livro, aproveite a sua vida! ...

    25,25 €

  • ¿Por qué estás donde estás?
    José Galindez
    Convierte tu dolor y tus fracasos en combustible para el éxito.Rompe ahora mismo con esos conceptos que te tienen atado. ¡Levántate! Redefine el concepto de fracaso y conviértelo en el trampolín que te permitirá dar un salto de victoria. ¿Por qué estás donde estás? explora cuatro grandes áreas para convertir el fracaso en tu aliado:Tu pasado no define tu futuro en lo más mínimo...

    15,12 €

  • Alles in Maßen ist gut
    Diego Segura
    Basierend auf seinen persönlichen Erfahrungen und dem Wissen, das er auf seinem Weg als Unternehmer erworben hat, erzählt uns Diego Segura, wie man sich auf das Übermaß im Leben der Menschen konzentriert und es in einen Antrieb umwandelt, um gute Gewohnheiten zu entwickeln und Fülle in verschiedenen Bereichen zu erreichen (emotional, wirtschaftlich, beruflich, familiär...). In ...

    10,70 €

  • Selfish is a Superpower
    Jessica Dennehy
    In a powerful twist, Jessica Dennehy demonstrates that getting SELFISH can enable you to fearlessly pursue your happiness, create a dynamic brand, and live the life of your dreams. Discover how you can dominate in business, family, and finance all by embracing the fact that Selfish is a Superpower.  Jessica Dennehy is a bestselling author, motivational speaker, and solo parent ...

    19,14 €

  • There’s No Place Like Home
    Johnny Leonard Ford
    There’s No Place Like Home is a moving, autobiographical account of one man’s struggles of living through the recessionJohnny, along with many people in the United States were devastated with unemployment, the stock market crash and the crippling economic state of the country from 2008-2016. Many people were faced with hard decisions, some of them were made for them, others, ma...

    12,93 €

  • The Prince
    Niccolò Machiavelli
    A New Perspective on Machiavelli’s Practical Ideas and Fuller DimensionsSince its posthumous publication in 1532, Machiavelli’s treatise on claiming and holding power has been synonymous with deception, ruthlessness, and even brutality. History generally regards the author of The Prince as a one-note schemer and callous plotter. Some contemporary critics even call him a satiris...

    15,83 €

  • Loneliness Breakthrough Blueprint
    Inner Power
    Loneliness can cloak even the most vibrant souls in a shroud of isolation. In 'Loneliness Breakthrough Blueprint,' discover a comprehensive guide offering practical strategies and empowering techniques to break free from the grasp of solitude and forge genuine connections.This insightful handbook dives into actionable steps, unveiling a roadmap to navigate the labyrinth of lone...

    7,22 €

  • 'Gorgeous Reflections'
    Selena L L Arnold
    'Gorgeous Reflections: Empowering Selfie Coloring Book for Black Women Adults' is a captivating and empowering masterpiece, meticulously designed to celebrate the essence and beauty of Black women. With its glossy finish and 80 pages of intricate designs, this coloring book is a testament to the diversity and strength within the Black community.Measuring 8/11 inches, each page ...

    10,06 €

  • My Journal
    Robert O’Toole
    My Journal is designed to start on any day of the year. Begin your day with a motivational, inspirational, positive and thoughtful statement. Your Daily Record is your daily journal. Write, doodle, draw, add a photo . . . anything goes! The Task section is designed to inspire you to spread acts of love and kindness for yourself, for others and for the planet. The world always n...

    25,22 €

  • My Journal
    Robert O’Toole
    My Journal is designed to start on any day of the year. Begin your day with a motivational, inspirational, positive and thoughtful statement. Your Daily Record is your daily journal. Write, doodle, draw, add a photo . . . anything goes! The Task section is designed to inspire you to spread acts of love and kindness for yourself, for others and for the planet. The world always n...

    34,93 €

  • Emotional Intelligence Gaining Control Over Emotions
    Have you ever been so angry with someone you could scream? Or maybe you felt like crying or hiding from your boss or colleagues? Or maybe you’re the person who can’t seem to relate well to others, and you need a little help controlling your emotions to manage and lead people. Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize and control our emotions while understanding and inf...

    15,36 €

  • Spirit of Life
    Willie Seals
    I’ve always been a self-taught person I believe in self knowledge and never stop discovering who you really are. Your spirituality is your connecting with the Divine father of the Universe. I truly believe your words are your power. Always speak words of encouragement of yourself and others. I live in this great nation America. I believe in this country, and I would like each a...

    10,18 €

  • Mandalas for Relaxation and Creativity
    Step into the enchanting realm of ' Mandalas for Relaxation and Creativity: Flowers from Brazil' a captivating coloring book designed to transport you on a vivid journey through the mesmerizing world of Brazilian flowers. Within the pages of this book, unveil a curated array of intricately designed mandalas, each inspired by the awe-inspiring flora of Brazil, a nation celebrate...

    20,37 €

  • The Coronation
    Michelle Toney
    We often try to put a band-aid on wounds that need surgery. We live in this microwave society that has taught us that healing happens quickly. Our society has taught us to 'just get over it.' I’m here to tell you to throw away that type of thinking. Healing is a process that takes time, but it is possible if you put in the work.Let’s turn our trauma into triumph! ...

    24,41 €

  • Estou Sendo Forjada
    Ana Carolina De Oliveira Camargo
    Em uma ocasião específica da sua vida, já se perguntou o que estava acontecendo ao seu redor?Pois bem, a nossa vida é feita de estações e dentro delas se encontram dias de dor, de crise, dias onde somos provados ao nosso limite, pois, servir a Deus inclui ser provado para ser aprovado;Essa obra é uma autobiografia, da minha vida e de tudo quanto o Senhor tem tratado comigo, me ...

    12,91 €

  • Alma Limpa
    Leonardo Daniel
    Alma Limpa é um ensaio poético e filosófico, de 129 páginas, cuja base epistemológica é a arte zen de lavar vasilhas, aliás esse seria o nome dele. Ele foi escrito num momento de lucidez da consciência, na qual eu pude perceber todas as nuances de se estar desperto. O que é a vida e o que é o viver. É um livro literário, mas vincado na minha relação entre arte e minha vida, ent...

    13,14 €

  • Ain’t No Shame
    Treisha P Combo
    Shame can be crippling for people. Being caught off guard by life and getting knocked down by setbacks can be discouraging and disappointing, yet with strong faith and a positive outlook - you can overcome shame and live a life of purpose. With a heartwarming and humorous touch, Ain’t No Shame is a transformative journey to healing. This book is a testament to the power of fait...

    25,62 €

  • A Transformação Da Borboleta
    J.d. Mulberry
    Subestimamos o poder dos pequenos atos e o seu impacto no mundo.Uma breve história sobre o encontro entre um coração generoso, humilde e perseverante, com um coração incapaz de ignorar o inquietante chamado para a mudança. Esta narrativa simples, nos mostra que todos somos capazes de mudar o mundo, basta começarmos pelo nosso próprio mundo.Nunca subestime o poder de mudança daq...

    7,84 €

  • Vença O Relógio
    Fabio Sausen
    SEJA ALTAMENTE PRODUTIVO RESPEITANDO SEU PERFIL E ALCANÇANDO SEUS OBJETIVOSAlguma vez você já se sentiu imerso em um mar de distração e paralisia, percebendo seus objetivos se distanciarem cada vez mais? Parece que, não importa quantas fórmulas de sucesso você tente adotar, elas simplesmente não se moldam à sua rotina. /Esta falta de personalização é que transforma os conselhos...

    16,22 €

  • Tea with Jesus and Me
    Sherri House
    Captivating true stories, woven with engaging Bible devotions, served to you during delightful teatimes. The author makes you feel like you are sitting next to her, enjoying afternoon tea and listening to a friend share the faithfulness of God. Sherri is known for her faith-filled afternoon teas and devotional writing. In this book, she invites you to enjoy the charms of her tr...

    45,41 €

  • Stand Up
    Eloise Collins
    As a licensed professional counselor, it is troubling to observe that most children and adults who are diagnosed with social anxiety are struggling with low self-esteem issues. Therefore, if children learn to improve their self-confidence, at an early age, they are more likely to decrease the frequency, duration, and intensity of anxious behaviors. Studies show that bullies are...

    21,63 €

  • Tractar Amb Els Dimonis
    Tracilyn George
    Vostè o un ésser estimat té una malaltia mental? Alguna vegada t’has preguntat què pots fer per ajudar? Aquest llibre és la teva resposta! Per entendre completament la depressió, cal escoltar amb atenció i atenció als que estem afectats.És important que qualsevol persona amb malaltia mental sigui tractada amb amabilitat, respecte i dignitat, no amb estigma, prejudicis i menyspr...

    15,29 €

  • Lição De Vida
    Charles Pires
    Conheça a inspiradora história de Charles, um menino que perdeu seus pais aos 4 anos e teve que sobreviver sozinho em um ônibus velho e abandonado. Apesar das imensas dificuldades, ele não se deixou abater e iniciou sua jornada empreendendo como engraxate.Sua perseverança o levou a ser descoberto por um fotógrafo de moda, tornando-se modelo ainda menino e, posteriormente, fotóg...

    9,14 €

  • Reflexões De Um Pescador
    Ricardo Pedrassolli
    Vinte e oito de novembro de 1981, um dia divisor de águas. A partir dessa data, me tornei deficiente devido a um acidente que teve como único responsável o que lhe escreve. A anfetamina injetável e o álcool foram simples coadjuvantes.Diagnóstico: Lesão do Plexo esquerdo, gerando dor neuropática no braço esquerdo que até hoje é amenizada por uma associação de medicação para o si...

    17,87 €