Religión comparada

Humanidades / Religión y creencias / Religión: general / Religión comparada (1966)

Libros Eliminar filtro Humanidades Eliminar filtro Religión y creencias Eliminar filtro Religión: general Eliminar filtro Religión comparada Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Uncommon Prayer
    Ruth L. Miller
    Despite what most of us have been taught for most of our lives, Prayer is not words or actions or thoughts. Prayer is a state of being in which we feel connected with, and are open to receiving from, the Source of all that is. Certain words or rituals may help us arrive at that state, but they are not the prayer.In Uncommon Prayer Dr. Ruth L. Miller provides guidance for unders...

    8,40 €

  • Quest for a Meaningful Life
    Ivan Beggs
    These are stories of one person’s Quest for a Meaningful Life. He listened to neighbors, friends, co-workers, strangers in airports, in airplanes, on a ship, in coffee shops, bars, and in places long forgotten. He listened to people in the US, England, Germany, Romania, France, China, India, Vietnam, South Korea, and in South America.People felt comfortable talking with him. Th...

    40,11 €

  • Paths That Lead to the Same Summit
    Samuel Bendeck Sotillos
    This book is at first sight a selection of reviews spanning many years, including some fundamental well-known works and some rare gems of world religions, their spirituality and mysticism, touching on theology, ecology and art; as such, it is useful and interesting in itself, not least because the selection of titles under review follows rigorous criteria. But this collection i...

    18,12 €

  • Grist for the Mill
    Ram Dass / Stephen Levine

    13,95 €

  • The Twelve Wild Swans
    Hillary Valentine / Starhawk
    The long-awaited continuation of the bestselling classic The Spiral Dance ...

    17,04 €

  • Beacons of Dharma
    Today’s globalized society faces some of humanity’s most unprecedented social and environmental challenges. Presenting new and insightful approaches to a range of these challenges, the timely volume before you draws upon individual cases of exemplary leadership from the world’s Dharma traditions-Hinduism, Sikhism, Jainism, and Buddhism. The volume’s authors refer to such exempl...

    156,41 €

  • The Church in Pluralist Society
    Vatican II opened new pathways to engagement with societies shaped by modernity. Its project could be read as an attempt to interpret the stance of the church in relation to the whole project of modernity. The fundamental presumption of this collection of essays is that it is timely, indeed imperative, to keep alive the question of the church’s self-understanding in its journey...

    143,88 €

  • The Church in Pluralist Society
    Vatican II opened new pathways to engagement with societies shaped by modernity. Its project could be read as an attempt to interpret the stance of the church in relation to the whole project of modernity. The fundamental presumption of this collection of essays is that it is timely, indeed imperative, to keep alive the question of the church’s self-understanding in its journey...

    33,80 €

  • Reimagining Spirit
    Grace Ji-Sun Kim
    The Spirit presents itself to many as an enigma. Its existence is mysterious and complex, generating misunderstandings and unawareness of its true purpose. The Spirit’s ambiguous nature opens the opportunity for study to unearth the exciting truths that it holds. The Spirit is present in our world in various forms. This book aims to examine the Spirit as experienced in light, w...

    37,73 €

  • Reimagining Spirit
    Grace Ji-Sun Kim
    The Spirit presents itself to many as an enigma. Its existence is mysterious and complex, generating misunderstandings and unawareness of its true purpose. The Spirit’s ambiguous nature opens the opportunity for study to unearth the exciting truths that it holds. The Spirit is present in our world in various forms. This book aims to examine the Spirit as experienced in light, w...

    20,64 €

  • Finding Your Religion
    Scotty McLennan
    An Indispensable Guidebook for Those Seeking a New Spiritual Path, or Wishing to Reconnect to the Religion of Their Youth ...

    11,92 €

  • Judaism for Christians
    Sina Rauschenbach / Corey Twitchell
    Menasseh ben Israel (1604-1657) was one of the best-known rabbis in early modern Europe. In the course of his life he became an important Jewish interlocutor for Christian scholars interested in Hebrew studies and negotiated with Oliver Cromwell and Parliament the return of the Jews to England. Born to a family of former conversos, Menasseh was versed in Christian theology and ...

    156,64 €

  • The Golden Bough
    James George Frazer
    Sir James George Frazer's monumental study of 'magic and religion' is here presented in its 1922 edition, containing all three volumes. From Rome to Egypt to Polynesia, Frazer covered it all. Corn gods, dying gods, to fertility gods; Frazer explored and examined them all, identifying common themes throughout the world. The implications to Christianity were controver...

    38,29 €

  • Journey to the Centre of my Being
    Jim Wilson
    Jim Wilson is an adventurer: mountaineering; Antarctic exploration; adventure films with Sir Edmund Hillary (on one of which he drove a jet boat up Mother Ganga from ocean to sky); climbing and school building with Sir Edmund in the Everest region of Nepal; and sailing to Pacific islands in a small yacht. These physical adventures provide an exciting backdrop to this book. But ...

    31,23 €

  • Charity in Jewish, Christian, and Islamic Traditions
    Barbara Thornbury
    This collection of essays by a team of international scholars addresses the topic of Charity through the lenses of the three Abrahamic religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The contributors look for common paradigms in the ways the three faiths address the needs of the poor and the needy in their respective societies, and reflect on the interrelatedness of such practices ...

    54,24 €

  • Theology for Atheists
    Gerald Robinson
    THEOLOGY FOR ATHEISTS is a joyful romp in the fields of the Lord. It opens up the possibility for atheists to join in the celebrations of a religious community; to share in their rituals and devotions without having to adopt their beliefs. Here they can join with other atheists who are already there. . . and the church needs them because it is the atheists who hold the future o...

    20,23 €

  • Theology for Atheists
    Gerald Robinson
    THEOLOGY FOR ATHEISTS is a joyful romp in the fields of the Lord. It opens up the possibility for atheists to join in the celebrations of a religious community; to share in their rituals and devotions without having to adopt their beliefs. Here they can join with other atheists who are already there. . . and the church needs them because it is the atheists who hold the future o...

    38,43 €

  • María desvelada
    Yaratullah Monturiol
    En este libro, la islamóloga Yaratullah Monturiol y sus colaboradores asumen el reto de desvelar aspectos esenciales de María que, desde otras fuentes textuales, ya habían sido sobradamente acreditados: enseñanzas de los Padres de la Iglesia, crítica textual de los Evangelios en arameo, citas del Protoevangelio de Santiago, textos inéditos de la primera predicación del Cristian...

    14,56 €

  • Religion on Trial
    Donald Dutton
    In the 1950s, a group of social psychologists infiltrated a doomsday cult—a religious group that believed the world was coming to an end—and studied how its members sustained their beliefs when the prophecy failed.How are major religions different from cults? My argument is that they persist through political fiat rather than the evidence provided for their central dogma. Chris...

    15,50 €

  • Les religions afro-caribéennes à la lumière de la foi chrétienne
    Dieumeme Noëlliste / Mirlenda Noëlliste
    À travers les âges, la religion a toujours été un élément incontournable dans la quête de compréhension de la vie de l’être humain, de ses aspirations, de son histoire, de sa communauté, de sa culture et de sa destinée. En vue de faciliter cette compréhension de l’autre, il est utile d’observer ses modalités culturelles et de s’interroger sur les fondements de ses croyances. To...

    20,29 €

  • Evangelization as Interreligious Dialogue
    What does Jesus have to do with Buddha? What does Muhammad have to do with Krishna? One of the most important tasks for theology in the twenty-first century is interreligious dialogue. Given the rapid process of globalization and the surge of information via the Internet, travel, and library networking today, interreligious dialogue has become a necessary element within Christi...

    32,00 €

  • Evangelization as Interreligious Dialogue
    What does Jesus have to do with Buddha? What does Muhammad have to do with Krishna? One of the most important tasks for theology in the twenty-first century is interreligious dialogue. Given the rapid process of globalization and the surge of information via the Internet, travel, and library networking today, interreligious dialogue has become a necessary element within Christi...

    48,17 €

  • The Politics of Religion, Nationalism, and Identity in Asia
    Jeff Kingston
    This comprehensive book provides a comparative analysis of religious nationalism in contemporary, globalized Asia. Exploring the nexus of religion, identity, and nationalism, Jeff Kingston assesses similarities and differences across the region, focusing on how religious sentiments influence how people embrace nationalism and with what consequences. Kingston shows that in the a...

    115,02 €

  • The Politics of Religion, Nationalism, and Identity in Asia
    Jeff Kingston
    This comprehensive book provides a comparative analysis of religious nationalism in contemporary, globalized Asia. Exploring the nexus of religion, identity, and nationalism, Jeff Kingston assesses similarities and differences across the region, focusing on how religious sentiments influence how people embrace nationalism and with what consequences. Kingston shows that in the a...

    47,22 €

  • God Emptied 'Self' into a Man
    Joslyn L. Angus
    Which Jesus is the true Jesus? The one found in Judaism? In Christianity? In Islam? Which version did God invest Himself into, forming the fully divine, fully human Jesus whose sacrifice and resurrection provided salvation for the world? To this day, people question the person and nature of Jesus. Was he merely a man? Could he have been a prophet? Or might he have been, as he c...

    10,82 €

  • Buddhism
    T W Rhys Davids
    "The remarkable fact is, that we have here set forth a view of religion entirely independent of the soul theories, on which all the various philosophies and religions then current in India were based; entirely free from the idolatries and superstitions of the day.... We are struck at once with the analogy between it and the ideals of the last pagan thinkers in Europe before the...

    37,84 €

  • Islam as Devotion
    Ralf K Wustenbert / Ralf K. Wüstenberg / Ralf KWüstenberg / Randi Lundell
    How is it that Islam is so feared and misunderstood among Christians? Is there any possibility of an open dialogue between Muslims and Christians that will lead to a greater understanding of both? Ralf K. Wüstenberg explores these and other questions in an in-depth investigation of Islam, using as his guide the teachings of the revered Muslim scholar, Al-Ghazali, and placing th...

    122,53 €

  • The Ocean of God
    Roland Faber
    ’The Ocean of God’ proposes that the future of religions will become transreligious. Its polyphilic pluralism, entertaining religious pluralism and the unity of religions mediated by process and Baha’i thought, assumes the spiritual impulse of humanity, despite secularizations, naturalizations and transhumanist dreams, to further a civilized future of peace. ...

    180,15 €

  • Pagan and Christian Creeds - Their Origin and Meaning
    Edward Carpenter
    First published in 1921, this vintage book looks at paganism and Christianity, exploring their various connections and analysing where these similarities came from and what they mean. Edward Carpenter (1844 - 1929) was an English philosopher, poet, and pioneering activist for gay rights. He had many notable friends including the Bengali polymath Rabindranath Tagore and celebrat...

    26,38 €

  • No More Tears Forever
    Ian Granville
    Abstract:Ian Granville wrote this dissertation based on 40 months of fieldwork in the Bolivian Andes. He investigated the historical, spiritual, cultural, and social dynamics of conversion by Aymara Indians to Evangelical Christianity during the years 1941-2002).Dissertation Discovery Company and University of Florida are dedicated to making scholarly works more discoverable an...

    87,46 €