Revoluciones, levantamientos y rebeliones

Humanidades / Historia / Historia: acontecimientos y temas específicos / Revoluciones, levantamientos y rebeliones (548)

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  • Women and the Cuban Insurrection
    Lorraine Bayard de Volo

    100,61 €

  • Resistance
    Jeff Biggers

    16,07 €

  • Anarquía y lucha antipolítica
    Acácio Augusto
    Las revueltas de 1848 reforzarán la convicción de Bakunin sobre la acción en las calles, en el antiparlamentarismo, en las barricadas y en la necesidad de una movilización popular sin dirección política, acercándose, junto a su amigo Alexander Herzen (1812-1870), a los análisis de Pierre-Joseph Proudhon (1809-1865). Simultáneos a esas experiencias, los debates con Karl Marx (18...

    11,98 €

  • Mutinous memories
    Matt Perry
    This book explores the eight-month wave of mutinies that struck the French infantry and navy in 1919. The revolt spread from France’s intervention against the Soviet Union across the Black Sea into the Mediterranean, finally resulting in unrest in French naval ports. Mutineers faced courts martial, years of hard labour and the threat of the death penalty. Based on official reco...

    157,65 €

  • Rebel Footprints - Second Edition
    David Rosenberg
    David has brought the streets and buildings of London alive to the real history of the city and the struggles of ordinary people. Anyone reading this will walk the streets of our city with a different view of the world, and what people can do when they act together’ - Jeremy Corbyn, leader of the Labour Party’Informative and well-judged ... There is so much that is inspirationa...

    31,03 €

  • Rebel Footprints - Second Edition
    David Rosenberg
    David has brought the streets and buildings of London alive to the real history of the city and the struggles of ordinary people. Anyone reading this will walk the streets of our city with a different view of the world, and what people can do when they act together’ - Jeremy Corbyn, leader of the Labour Party’Informative and well-judged ... There is so much that is inspirationa...

    125,83 €

  • Fayez Sayegh - The Party Years 1938-1947
    Adel Beshara
    This book provides an introduction to the early writings and political activism of Fayez Sayegh, whose passionate and prolific intellectual career was well known within academia and beyond.Today, Fayez Sayegh is mainly known as an articulate defender of the Palestinian cause at the UN and on American television. However, we have only a faint idea of how and why he chose this li...

    26,23 €

  • Fayez Sayegh - The Party Years 1938-1947
    Adel Beshara
    This book provides an introduction to the early writings and political activism of Fayez Sayegh, whose passionate and prolific intellectual career was well known within academia and beyond.Today, Fayez Sayegh is mainly known as an articulate defender of the Palestinian cause at the UN and on American television. However, we have only a faint idea of how and why he chose this li...

    32,71 €

  • The Jacobites
    Daniel Szechi
    This book is a comprehensive survey of the Jacobite movement, from its violent counter-revolutionary origins to its bitter conclusion. Written to be easily accessible, it takes into account the latest research and is designed to provide an easy introduction to the field. ...

    144,63 €

  • The Jacobites
    Daniel Szechi
    This book is a comprehensive survey of the Jacobite movement, from its violent counter-revolutionary origins to its bitter conclusion. Written to be easily accessible, it takes into account the latest research and is designed to provide an easy introduction to the field. ...

    35,26 €

  • The Kurds in a Changing Middle East
    The Kurds are one of the largest stateless nations in the world, numbering more than 20 million people. Their homeland lies mostly within the present-day borders of Turkey, Iraq and Iran as well as parts of Syria, Armenia and Azerbaijan. Yet until recently the ’Kurdish question’ - that is, the question of Kurdish self-determination - seemed, to many observers, dormant. It was o...

    173,80 €

  • In the Words of Our Founders
    The overtly obvious and seemingly malicious maligning of our Founders by many Americans within our systems of education, government, and media is being performed with a greater intensity at the passing of each year. This constant, incessant, and relentless barrage of misinformation and falsehoods about their beliefs, character, and intentions is not only blatantly unjust on its...

    24,59 €

  • In the Words of Our Founders
    The overtly obvious and seemingly malicious maligning of our Founders by many Americans within our systems of education, government, and media is being performed with a greater intensity at the passing of each year. This constant, incessant, and relentless barrage of misinformation and falsehoods about their beliefs, character, and intentions is not only blatantly unjust on its...

    35,50 €

  • The Syrian Social Nationalist Party
    Salim Mujais
    The emergence of the Syrian Social Nationalist Party (SSNP) during the Syrian civil war as a military and political force has elicited interest and debate among observers and analysts of the Middle East. Long considered as irrevocably marginalized by decades of prohibition and persecution, the SSNP has over the last decade re-asserted itself as the pre-eminent organization in S...

    26,24 €

  • Historical Dictionary of the American Revolution, Third Edition
    Terry M. Mays / Terry Mays / Terry MMays
    The American Revolution pitted 13 loosely united colonies in a military, political, and economic struggle against Great Britain: the 'mother country' and arguably the most powerful state in the world during the late 18th century. The independent spirit that led many individuals to leave homes in Europe and settle in the New World during the 17th and 18th centuries evolved into ...

    196,52 €

  • A People’s History of the Portuguese Revolution
    Raquel Varela / Sean Purdy
    On the 25th April 1974, a coup destroyed the ranks of Portugal’s fascist Estado Novo government as the Portuguese people flooded the streets of Lisbon, placing red carnations in the barrels of guns and demanding a ’land for those who work in it’.This became the Carnation Revolution - an international coalition of working class and social movements, which also incited struggles ...

    33,83 €

  • A People’s History of the Portuguese Revolution
    Raquel Varela / Sean Purdy
    On the 25th April 1974, a coup destroyed the ranks of Portugal’s fascist Estado Novo government as the Portuguese people flooded the streets of Lisbon, placing red carnations in the barrels of guns and demanding a ’land for those who work in it’.This became the Carnation Revolution - an international coalition of working class and social movements, which also incited struggles ...

    126,37 €

  • Time of the Tans
    Tomás Mac Conmara
    The Black and Tans [raises voice] raided my aunt’s house where my mother was in bed at three o’clock in the morning ... I was due to be born three days later ... she got a stroke of paralysis and lost the power of all her left side. So I never saw my mother walk ... she could get around with the aid of a chair.’Stories of the Black and Tans have been told across Ireland since t...

    20,46 €

  • Les origines de la France contemporaine
    Hippolyte Taine
    Les Origines de la France contemporaine est l’œuvre majeure d’Hippolyte Taine (1828-1893). Il l’entreprit au lendemain de la guerre de 1870 et la poursuivit jusqu’à sa mort. L’œuvre couvre quatre régimes politiques : Restauration, monarchie de Juillet, IIe République, second Empire ; un cinquième est en gestation – république ou monarchie – depuis la journée parisienne du 4 sep...

    14,79 €

  • Les origines de la France contemporaine
    Hippolyte Taine
    Les Origines de la France contemporaine est l’œuvre majeure d’Hippolyte Taine (1828-1893). Il l’entreprit au lendemain de la guerre de 1870 et la poursuivit jusqu’à sa mort. L’œuvre couvre quatre régimes politiques : Restauration, monarchie de Juillet, IIe République, second Empire ; un cinquième est en gestation – république ou monarchie – depuis la journée parisienne du 4 sep...

    16,79 €

  • L'évolution, la révolution et l'idéal anarchique
    Elisée Reclus
    “ C’est chimère d’attendre que l’Anarchie, idéal humain, puisse sortir de la République, forme gouvernementale. Les deux évolutions se font en sens inverse, et le changement ne peut s’accomplir que par une rupture brusque, c’est-à-dire par une révolution. C’est par décret que les républicains font le bonheur du peuple, par la police qu’ils ont la prétention de se maintenir ! Le...

    8,72 €

  • Mémoires
    Louise Michel
    “ Souvent on m’a demandé d’écrire mes Mémoires; mais toujours j’éprouvais à parler de moi une répugnance pareille à celle qu’on éprouverait à se déshabiller en public. Aujourd’hui, malgré ce sentiment puéril et bizarre, je me résigne à réunir quelques souvenirs. Je tâcherai qu’ils ne soient pas trop imprégnés de tristesse.”  L. Michel ...

    14,44 €

  • Counter Revolution
    Edward Boorstein / Regula Boorstein
    Many people are too young to have witnessed what the United States did when revolution erupted in Cuba. Others from a previous generation remember the effort to snuff out the Cuban Revolution, while U.S. support of Chiang Kai-shek against the Chinese revolutionaries happened before their time. Almost nobody who observed day-to-day the actions of the United States against the Ru...

    27,44 €

  • Bacon - A Biography of Sir Francis Bacon
    Charles Williams
    Williams’ biographical account of the life of Sir Francis Bacon was first published in 1933. He identified five major modes of thought that he believed permeated Bacon’s actions. William’s biography also includes self-reflective elements of theological discussion, which was typical of his writing style. Charles Williams (1886-1945) was a British theologian, playwright, novelist...

    32,14 €

  • Founding Weimar
    Mark Jones

    47,30 €

  • John Maclean
    Henry Bell
    I am not here, then, as the accused; I am here as the accuser of capitalism dripping with blood from head to foot’ John Maclean, Speech from the Dock, 1918. Feared by the government, adored by workers, celebrated by Lenin and Trotsky. The head of British Military Intelligence called John Maclean ’the most dangerous man in Britain’. This new biography explores the events that sh...

    126,50 €

  • Germany 1918-1933
    Rob Sewell
    Germany 1918-33 was one of the most tumultuous periods in history. Following the revolution in Russia, the German workers and soldiers attempted to seize power in November 1918. Unfortunately, the revolution was betrayed by the Social Democratic leaders.Further revolutionary convulsions rocked Germany from 1919 to 1923. By this time, a mass Communist Party had been formed, but ...

    26,54 €

  • The Federalist Papers
    Alexander Hamilton / James Madison / John Jay

    27,06 €

  • The Federalist Papers
    Alexander Hamilton / James Madison / John Jay

    19,16 €

  • Permanent Revolution in Latin America
    John Roberts / Jorge Martin
    This book presents the histories of the revolutions in Cuba,Nicaragua, and Venezuela as the latest demonstrations of the pricethe popular masses pay for the absence of a correct revolutionarystrategy. The goal of the leaders of the revolutionary movements in allthree countries was to create a progressive, independent bourgeoisdemocraticstate but contrary to expectations, the na...

    26,56 €