Separación y divorcio

Salud y desarrollo personal / Familia y salud / Familia y relaciones / Separación y divorcio (1269)

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  • Cómo salir de una relación tóxica
    Cristina Rebiere / Olivier Rebiere
    Cómo salir de una relación tóxica Identificar los perversos narcisistas, los pasos para separarse y reconstruirse Vivir con temor, no tener más confianza en usted mismo, haber perdido la alegría de vivir, a menudo sentir tristeza e incomprensión … ¿Esto es realmente Vivir?Amar con la ansiedad de no estar a la altura de las demandas del Otro y algunas veces recibir solo unas poc...

    18,01 €

  • Broken Family Stronger Bond
    Rajesh Giri
    "A daughter’s love knows no boundaries, even in the midst of adversity. A divorced daughter is not a lesser daughter, but a warrior who has overcome challenges and emerged stronger." Broken Family Stronger Bond: The Power of a Divorced Daughter is a poignant and empowering memoir that offers a deep and inspiring insight into the personal journey of a divorced daughter. Through ...

    10,66 €

  • El poder está en tu interior
    ¿Crees que tu vida tiene un propósito determinado?¿Estás viviendo la vida de otras personas en vez de la tuya?¿Quieres alcanzar el bienestar y la felicidad?Si has respondido que si a alguna de estas tres preguntas, este libro es para ti. He depositado en él palabras escritas desde el corazón, con aprendizajes propios y a través de diferentes lecturas, para poder darte lo mejor....

    15,36 €

  • Las 7 claves de la abundancia y el éxito
    Brais Marinho
    La posibilidad de conseguir la abundancia y el éxito está al alcance de tu mano en las palabras que he depositado en este libro.Con 'Las 7 claves de la abundancia y el éxito', te daré los recursos principales para que confíes existe una vida llena de abundancia y prosperidad, una vida llena de significado.En este libro te propongo recursos para que puedas implantar en tu rutina...

    7,27 €

  • Finding Love After Divorce
    Carla Da Costa
    Finding Love After Divorce is a modern soul-searching guide to help you understand why you chose the partners you did, why some relationships and people had to leave your life like they did and how to find ’the one’ and not just another one to live your version of happily ever after.In Finding Love After Divorce, Carla Da Costa explores why the journey to finding love and ’the ...

    28,66 €

  • Please Read Me
    Pasquale Palmieri
    With this non-fiction work Pasquale, a survivor of two divorces, wishes to expose the contrast existing between the ancient values of the past that we keep applying to our lives and the changes that have hijacked and shaped our present.In today’s life, how can we maintain a healthy and long-lasting relationship?How can we cope with the emotional turmoil if a relationship ends?M...

    20,06 €

    Quashaunda Kitchens / Wilber Kitchens
    Good Love Heals Marriage is the oldest and most coveted institution that most men and women want to experience. They want the ideal 'goals' of marriage. However, they fall short when it comes to putting in the work required to achieve a healthy and passionate marriage. How badly do you want your marriage to be the successful one that you dream of? Are you willing to implement n...

    16,22 €

  • Tough Talk to a Stubborn Spouse
    Nine times out of ten, only one of the partners wants a divorce, and it’s the same one every time: the stubborn one.  Someone gets divorced every 27 seconds. In almost every instance, at least one person desperately wants the marriage to stay together. You may be that person. Perhaps you’re a child, a relative or friend, but your heart is breaking because someone for whom you c...

    14,60 €

  • Roadmap to managing divorce
    Dr. Suchitra
    A divorce is a traumatic event that most couples never envision going through.This book can guide you in navigating one of the most challenging periods of your life and can support you to be empowered, liberated, and profoundly transformed.This book will be your roadmap as you undertake this journey through the Uncharted Land of Divorce, which may be filled with dragons and lan...

    25,22 €

  • The Pearl and the Hut Volume II
    Yiana Belkalopolos
    The Pearl and the Hut, Volume II explores understandings and higher perceptions around the psychological developments and heart challenges of adult child of divorce. The soul-spiritual insights in Rudolf Steiner’s human consciousness philosophy, Anthroposophy, renew a person’s humanness in the face of massive and necessary world changes.From the soul-psyche orientations of the ...

    89,63 €

  • The Pearl and the Hut Volume II
    Yiana Belkalopolos
    The Pearl and the Hut, Volume II explores understandings and higher perceptions around the psychological developments and heart challenges of adult child of divorce. The soul-spiritual insights in Rudolf Steiner’s human consciousness philosophy, Anthroposophy, renew a person’s humanness in the face of massive and necessary world changes.From the soul-psyche orientations of the ...

    101,12 €

  • How to be Happy After A Divorce
    Jane Doe
    How to be happy after a divorce - Letting go of the past and emerging from divorce happier and more resilient is a no-nonsense, common-sense guidebook for women who are going through a divorce, one of the most traumatic experiences humans can experience.  The book describes all the phases they can expect to go through and how to navigate them. It reminds them that what they are...

    13,17 €

  • Divórcio o camino da recuperação
    Albert Dias
    Você está passando por um divórcio e se sente sobrecarregado com o processo?Você está lutando para lidar com os aspectos jurídicos e financeiros da separação? "Divórcio: O caminho para a recuperação" é o livro que você precisa para guiá-lo neste momento difícil.Com 5 capítulos, este livro cobre tudo o que você precisa saber para navegar no processo de divórcio e reconstruir sua...

    14,49 €

  • Divorce la voie de la guérison
    Albert Dias
    Vous êtes en instance de divorce et vous vous sentez dépassé par le processus ?Vous avez du mal à gérer les aspects juridiques et financiers de la séparation ? « Divorce la voie de la guérison » est le livre dont vous avez besoin pour vous guider à travers cette période difficile.Avec 5 chapitres, ce livre couvre tout ce que vous devez savoir pour naviguer dans le processus de ...

    14,48 €

  • Divorce The Road to Recovery
    Albert Dias
    Are you going through a divorce and feeling overwhelmed by the process?Are you struggling to navigate the legal and financial aspects of the separation? "Divorce: The Road to Recovery" is the book you need to guide you through this difficult time.With 5 chapters, this book covers everything you need to know to navigate the divorce process and rebuild your life. From dealing wit...

    14,49 €

  • The Marriage Blueprint
    Emily Perry
    Are you tired of constantly feeling like your relationship is on shaky ground? Do you wish you could have a strong and lasting partnership with your spouse? Look no further, because The Marriage Blueprint is here to help! Whether you’re in a brand new relationship or have been married for decades, The Marriage Blueprint has something to offer. This comprehensive ebook offers a ...

    16,36 €

  • Self-help guide for second-age couple formation
    Juan Speciale
    This book is a self-help guide intended for older or middle-aged people who want to form a new couple, and for couples, not young people. It is a reminder of most of the factors or ingredients that make a relationship strong and lasting. Many times with the passage of time we forget to apply these ingredients in our relationship because of the dizzying pace of life, and the uni...

    8,12 €

  • The Poetry Cure
    Alice Carlton
    Thirty-year-old Annie Thomas struggles as her marriage fallsapart. Searching for a healing outlet, she joins a poetry writinggroup where she meets a man, George Taffer, whose name the OuijaBoard had spelled out years ago as the man she would marry.Mystified, she enjoys their unfolding friendship as writing poetry fillsthe empty place in her heart.Early in their marriage, Annie ...

    11,28 €

  • Cooperative Communication
    Jennifer B Shupert
    When parents of minor children divorce or separate, they don’t get to just walk away from each other forever. They must still communicate in order to best care for their children. Unfortunately, conversations, texts, and emails can be weighed down by years of animosity or distrust, then scrutinized by lawyers or judges as 'proof' of how the parents are getting along.The concep...

    17,56 €

  • Cooperative Communication
    Jennifer B Shupert
    When parents of minor children divorce or separate, they don’t get to just walk away from each other forever. They must still communicate in order to best care for their children. Unfortunately, conversations, texts, and emails can be weighed down by years of animosity or distrust, then scrutinized by lawyers or judges as 'proof' of how the parents are getting along.The concep...

    11,52 €

  • Manipolazione mentale e dipendenza affettiva
    Valeria Citro
    Un regalo a sorpresa accompagnato da un biglietto strappalacrime, una scritta sul muro sotto casa sua per dirgli che lo ami ancora, oppure una proposta di matrimonio…Ecco cosa NON devi mai fare ! Infatti, tutte queste azioni in ambito seduzione sono chiamate 'azioni compensative' e se attuate, non solo ti allontaneranno ancora di più dal tuo ex, ma ti terranno ancorata emotivam...

    20,19 €

  • Lessons Learned
    Journals by me... C2B Publishing
    During the Holidays especially nowadays with so much loss. This may be a year of firsts without that significant other, family member, or moments that will never be made the same again. Here is an opportunity for you to record how you aspire to grow as you go forward considering what won’t ever be as you start again. ...

    15,25 €

  • After the Divorce
    Jeremy Stegall
    After the Divorce: From Looking Back to Leaning In is a heartfelt must-read by Jeremy Stegall, author of Where the Change Happens. Jeremy’s writing style both inspires and supports creating change in your life. Whether you’re beginning the journey, navigating the experience, or realizing your current landscape is not where you want to be, After the Divorce empowers your choices...

    12,94 €

  • I Bought My Husband’s Mistress Lingerie
    Stacey Freeman
    Stacey Freeman had no idea what she was in for when she looked inside her husband’s suitcase, but what she found would change the course of her life and her children’s forever. Set in Short Hills, New Jersey, I Bought My Husband’s Mistress Lingerie tells the relatable story of a woman once happily married to her high school sweetheart who had watched her marriage slowly deterio...

    14,32 €

  • God’s Covenant of Peace
    Joana Ebellah Mensah
    Are you experiencing upheaval, and circumstances that have taken away your peace. Or made it elusive?Could the loss of a job, family, business, health, dreams, hopes and aspirations be causing unrest in your live?For those who are separated, going through the process of divorce, or already divorced, this life transition can be accompanied by a lot of questions, worry and anxiet...

    11,65 €

  • How to Deal with a Divorce as a Christian
    Iris Mollen
    The author started journaling when her husband asked for a divorce after thirty-five years of marriage. Four months after her husband asked for a divorce, she lost her job after twenty-five years.God led her on a journey to write this book, How to Deal with a Divorce as a Christian. The purpose of this book is twofold. Divorce is devastating. It is worse than a death, as one pa...

    21,13 €

  • How to Deal with a Divorce as a Christian
    Iris Mollen
    The author started journaling when her husband asked for a divorce after thirty-five years of marriage. Four months after her husband asked for a divorce, she lost her job after twenty-five years.God led her on a journey to write this book, How to Deal with a Divorce as a Christian. The purpose of this book is twofold. Divorce is devastating. It is worse than a death, as one pa...

    29,00 €

  • It’s Not About Us
    Darlene Taylor
    Do You Want to Create a Healthy Co-parenting Relationship?If you had told Darlene Taylor that she’d pack her bags after a rocky divorce to move across the country at the request of her ex-husband, she would have laughed in your face. And she would’ve asked to sip whatever it was you were drinking. But that’s exactly what happened-and it changed the course of her family. Forewor...

    20,19 €

  • Pressed Petals
    Maverick L. Malone
    Pressed Petals is Maverick Malone’s debut into the literary world. Told in lyrical prose and evocative poetry, the collection takes readers on an emotional and transformative healing journey as Maverick traverses the seasons of divorce and discovers her own voice.This poetry collection explores themes of self-love, growth, motherhood, and identity as Malone emerges from the con...

    15,12 €

  • 3 Boys, 2 Dogs, 1 (Ex) Husband and Absolutely No Idea
    Elisabeth Mary
    ’I never thought, when I met my husband at 18, got married at 25, had my third baby at 30 or even two years ago when I started writing this book, that I would find myself in the position I am now... a single mum to three boys, two dogs with a now ex-husband. This is a brutally honest account of life since I weed on that stick. Pregnancy, haemorrhoids, cabbage leaves, mum mates,...

    7,87 €