Sociedad y ciencias sociales

Sociedad y ciencias sociales (256342)

Libros Eliminar filtro Sociedad y ciencias sociales Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
    Antónia Maria P. Amaral de Oliveira
    Diese Untersuchung systematisiert die theoretischen und methodischen Grundlagen, die die Pädagogische Praxis als Bestandteil des Lehrplans unterstützen, wobei die Entwicklung pädagogischer Fähigkeiten als Gelenkachse für die Verbindung zwischen Theorie und Praxis im Ausbildungsprozess von Bildungsfachleuten an der Hochschule für Erziehungswissenschaften von Huíla (ISCED-Huíla) ...

    125,72 €

  • Preparar as crianças para a aprendizagem telecolaborativa
    Os dados são fornecidos pela Dra. Melinda Dooly e recolhidos durante um projeto de telecolaboração entre duas escolas, uma em Espanha e outra na Áustria. Abordando os dados principalmente a partir de uma análise da conversação multimodal, esta investigação examina os desafios encontrados na interação da aprendizagem telecolaborativa e do apoio do professor à medida que este pro...

    61,63 €

  • Подготовка детей к телеколлаборативному обучению
    Цель данной работы - изучить, как учителя оказывают помощь детям для развития телеколлаборативного обучения. Данные предоставлены доктором Мелиндой Дули и собраны в ходе телеколлаборативного проекта между двумя школами, одной в Испании и одной в Австрии. Подходя к данным в первую очередь с точки зрения анализа мультимодального общения, исследование рассматривает проблемы, возни...

    61,63 €

  • Unterstützung von Kindern für telekollaboratives Lernen
    In diesem Beitrag wird untersucht, wie LehrerInnen Kindern Hilfestellungen geben, damit sich telekollaboratives Lernen entwickeln kann. Die Daten wurden von Dr. Melinda Dooly zur Verfügung gestellt und während eines telekollaborativen Projekts zwischen zwei Schulen, einer in Spanien und einer in Österreich, gesammelt. Die Untersuchung geht in erster Linie von einer Analyse der ...

    61,63 €

  • Scaffolding children for telecollaborative learning
    This paper aims to investigate how teachers provide scaffolding to children in order for telecollaborative learning to take place. The data are provided by Dr. Melinda Dooly and collected during a telecollaborative project between two schools, one in Spain and one in Austria. Approaching the data primarily from an analysis of multimodal conversation, this research looks at the ...

    61,57 €

  • L’échafaudage des enfants pour l’apprentissage télécollaboratif
    Les données sont fournies par le Dr Melinda Dooly et collectées au cours d’un projet de télécollaboration entre deux écoles, l’une en Espagne et l’autre en Autriche. Abordant les données principalement à partir d’une analyse de la conversation multimodale, cette recherche examine les défis rencontrés dans l’interaction de l’apprentissage télécollaboratif et de l’échafaudage de ...

    61,63 €

  • Imparare i bambini per l’apprendimento telecollaborativo
    I dati sono stati forniti dalla dottoressa Melinda Dooly e raccolti durante un progetto di telecollaborazione tra due scuole, una in Spagna e una in Austria. La ricerca, che si basa principalmente sull’analisi della conversazione multimodale, esamina le sfide incontrate nell’interazione tra l’apprendimento telecollaborativo e lo scaffolding dell’insegnante durante lo svolgiment...

    61,63 €

  • Processus de surveillance de la santé au Brésil
    Marcello Henrique Araujo Da Silva
    Le livre Processus de surveillance de la santé au Brésil est un livre qui décrit tous les points fondamentaux de la surveillance de la santé. Ce livre a commencé à être développé en 2023, dans ce livre vous trouverez les bases légales de la surveillance et la description de base du système de santé publique le plus complexe au monde. Ce qui m’a aidé dans l’élaboration de ce liv...

    113,00 €

  • Processi di sorveglianza sanitaria in Brasile
    Marcello Henrique Araujo Da Silva
    Il libro Processi di sorveglianza sanitaria in Brasile è un libro che descrive tutti i punti fondamentali della sorveglianza sanitaria. Questo libro ha iniziato a essere sviluppato nel 2023; in esso troverete le basi legali della sorveglianza e la descrizione di base del sistema di salute pubblica più complesso del mondo. Ciò che mi ha aiutato nello sviluppo di questo libro son...

    113,04 €

  • Processos de vigilância sanitária no Brasil
    Marcello Henrique Araujo Da Silva
    O livro Processos de vigilância sanitária no Brasil é um livro que descreve todos os pontos fundamentais da vigilância sanitária. Este livro começou a ser desenvolvido em 2023, neste livro você vai encontrar as bases legais da vigilância e a descrição básica do sistema de saúde pública mais complexo do mundo. O que me ajudou no desenvolvimento deste livro foram algumas inconsis...

    113,04 €

  • Процессы наблюдения за состоянием здоровья в Бразилии
    Марцелло Хен Да Силва
    Книга 'Процессы надзора за здоровьем в Бразилии' - это книга, в которой описаны все основополагающие моменты надзора за здоровьем. Эта книга начала разрабатываться в 2023 году, в ней вы найдете правовые основы надзора и базовое описание самой сложной системы общественного здравоохранения в мире. В создании этой книги мне помогли некоторые академические несоответствия в уже опуб...

    112,95 €

  • Prozesse der Gesundheitsüberwachung in Brasilien
    Marcello Henrique Araujo Da Silva
    Das Buch Gesundheitsüberwachungsprozesse in Brasilien ist ein Buch, das alle grundlegenden Punkte der Gesundheitsüberwachung beschreibt. Die Entwicklung dieses Buches begann im Jahr 2023. In diesem Buch finden Sie die rechtlichen Grundlagen der Überwachung und die grundlegende Beschreibung des komplexesten öffentlichen Gesundheitssystems der Welt. Was mir bei der Entwicklung di...

    112,96 €

  • The Ten Pleasures of Marriage and The Confession of the New-married Couple
    A. Marsh
    'This small Treatise which I here present unto thee is the fruit of some spare hours, that my cogitations, after they had been for a small time, between whiles, hovering to and fro in the Air, came fluttring down again, still pitching upon the subject of the Ten Pleasures of Marriage, in each of which I hope thou wilt find somthing worthy of thy acceptance, because I am sure ’t...

    16,15 €

  • Modern Marriage
    Gerard Carlson
    When you’ve put into practice all the usual advice but your marriage still falls short of the intimacy and joy you want, what then? Are patience and perseverance your only hope for a better relationship? In a society where everyone is supposedly more connected, why do people feel so lonely? Even as marriage rates decline, recent studies find the overwhelming majority of single ...

    12,48 €

  • 3E - Planetearth-Konzept für nachhaltige Entwicklung
    Khalid A. Al-Thour
    Leistungsmessung und -management im Bereich der Nachhaltigkeit können nur dann integriert werden, wenn wir sicherstellen, dass der Fortschritt in den Bereichen Sozialwissenschaft, Technologie und Innovation im Einklang mit Umwelt, Bildung und Wirtschaft erfolgt. Weltweit besteht ein wachsender Bedarf an nachhaltigen und kohärenten Lösungen für alle Umweltprobleme. In vielen Fäl...

    50,25 €

  • 3E - Концепция устойчивого развития Planetearth
    Халид А. Аль-Тур
    Измерение и управление эффективностью устойчивого развития не будет комплексным, если мы не обеспечим, чтобы социальная наука, технологии и инновационный прогресс происходили в гармонии с окружающей средой, образованием и экономикой. Во всем мире растет потребность в устойчивых и последовательных решениях всех экологических проблем. Во многих случаях это не представляется возмо...

    50,25 €

  • 3E - Concept Planetearth pour le développement durable
    Khalid A. Al-Thour
    La mesure et la gestion des performances en matière de durabilité ne seront intégrées que si nous veillons à ce que les progrès des sciences sociales, de la technologie et de l’innovation se fassent en harmonie avec l’environnement, l’éducation et l’économie. Dans le monde entier, le besoin de solutions durables et cohérentes à tous les problèmes environnementaux se fait de plu...

    50,19 €

  • 3E - Conceito Planetearth para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável
    Khalid A. Al-Thour
    A medição e a gestão do desempenho da sustentabilidade só serão integradas se garantirmos que o progresso das ciências sociais, da tecnologia e da inovação ocorre em harmonia com o ambiente, a educação e a economia. Em todo o mundo, há uma necessidade crescente de soluções sustentáveis e coerentes para todos os problemas ambientais. Em muitas ocasiões, isto não é viável, princi...

    50,19 €

  • 3E - Concetto Planetearth per lo sviluppo sostenibile
    Khalid A. Al-Thour
    La misurazione e la gestione delle prestazioni in materia di sostenibilità non sarebbero integrate se non garantissimo che il progresso delle scienze sociali, della tecnologia e dell’innovazione avvenga in armonia con l’ambiente, l’istruzione e l’economia. In tutto il mondo cresce l’esigenza di soluzioni sostenibili e coerenti a tutti i problemi ambientali. In molte occasioni, ...

    50,19 €

  • 'Shattered Vows of the Lone Star State'
    Angela Thomas Smith
    'Shattered Vows of the Lone Star State' is a gripping and emotionally charged narrative that not only exposes the corruption within the Texas Judicial System but also explores the resilience of the human spirit. It serves as a reminder that love and justice can triumph even in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds. This is a true story that is still unfolding, captivating r...

    10,83 €

  • The Future of Truth
    Lindley Gooden
    THE FUTURE OF TRUTH (AND HOW TO GET THERE)Lindley’s new book explains misinformation, disinformation, why we’ve fallen so hard for them both, and how every one of us can fight back.It’s all so very human. We receive huge amounts of information packed into the stories that we see, hear and read. They change our minds. They’ve divided us and made us behave differently. And they’v...

    15,64 €

  • Bitácora roja
    Paolo Guillermo Velasco Carvallo
    Bitácora roja es una recopilación de escritos filosóficos que aborda una amplia variedad de temas como la ética, la política, la educación, el arte, la historia y la psicología, entre otros. A través de reflexiones, análisis conceptuales, relatos personales y aproximaciones poéticas, el autor indaga en cuestiones existenciales profundas sobre la condición humana.Más que un trat...

    17,67 €

  • The Sex-Problem
    Brian Daniels
    'There is no subject on which it is more difficult to find a common ground than this. To some people it seems to be immoral even to ask the question- on what are your moral standards based? To others what we call our 'moral standards' are so obviously absurd and 'unnatural' that the question has for them no meaning. And between these extremes there are so many varieties of opin...

    12,23 €

  • The Journal of Process Oriented Psychology
    Pierre Morin
    This is the first volume of the renewed Journal of Process Oriented Psychology with the theme Cultural Imaginations that Shape Personal, Professional, Community and Contextual Relationships. The articles that have come together cover a broad spectrum of Worldwork applications, from working with teenagers in Portland, Oregon to reconciliation work with youth in Rwanda, from advo...

    19,82 €

  • Oregon History
    Georgia Pennington Sligar
    Score Keys, Test Key & Key for the Oregon History Workbook, a comprehensive overview of the history of the state of Oregon for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. It is presented in a refreshing easy to read format with abundant graphics. It is a concise, one-volume workbook designed to be self-instructional or lecture taught. This student workbook will be a welcome addition to your Chr...

    11,18 €

  • 'A Journey through Time
    Sheryl Fry
    'A Journey Through Time: 45 Tales of Historical Events' is a collection of short stories that takes readers on a fascinating journey through history. Written by Sheryl Fry, the book features 45 stories that are based on real-life historical events. The stories cover a wide range of time periods and topics, from ancient civilizations to modern wars, from scientific discoveries t...

    33,83 €

  • Resisting Olympic evictions
    Adam Talbot
    Resisting Olympic evictions explores how one favela mobilised urban space to contest the logic underpinning removals in the glare of the mega-event’s spotlight. Based on 14 months of ethnographic fieldwork in Brazil, it provides instructive lessons on building democratic and just cities across the Global South. ...

    157,72 €

  • Video Engineering Fundamentals
    Pierre Hugues Routhier
    An overview of the foundational knowledge aspiring video engineers should strive for, including video formats, compression, live video, image capture, quality control, graphics and display technologies ...

    35,93 €

  • Mood and Mobility
    Richard Coyne

    38,43 €

  • Adaptation and resilience in the performing arts
    Eight teams share their research about live performing arts during the COVID-19 pandemic, reflecting on digital innovations and analogue adaptations in dance and theatre, accessibility and community-building, and on how the pandemic impacted on artists and companies. ...

    71,25 €