Sociología y antropología

Sociedad y ciencias sociales / Sociología y antropología (20723)

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  • Ökologische Nachbarschaft. Die Zukunft pflanzen
    María Elena Orozco
    Dieser Text ist ein akademisches Projekt, das aus dem Bedürfnis heraus entstanden ist, den systemischen Ansatz der sozialen Realität als Rahmen gemeinsamer Bedeutungen durch die Subjekte zu behandeln, die ihr tägliches Leben innerhalb einer Gruppe gestalten, in der sie ihre Existenz durch verschiedene Faktoren reflektieren: geografische, erzieherische, wirtschaftliche, politisc...

    74,88 €

  • Quartier écologique. Planter l’avenir
    María Elena Orozco
    Ce texte est un projet académique né du besoin ressenti d’aborder l’approche systémique de la réalité sociale, en tant que cadre de significations partagées, par les sujets qui construisent leur vie quotidienne au sein d’un groupe, dans lequel ils reflètent leur existence à travers divers facteurs : géographiques, éducatifs, économiques, politiques, culturels et écologiques. Da...

    74,88 €

  • Ecological Neighborhood. Planting the Future
    María Elena Orozco
    This text is an academic project born from the felt need to address the systemic approach to social reality, as a framework of shared meanings, by subjects who build their daily lives within a group, in which they reflect their existence through various factors: geographical, educational, economic, political, cultural and ecological. In these scenarios, tradition and culture as...

    74,82 €

  • Экологический микрорайон. Создавая будущее
    Мария Елена Орозко
    Данный текст представляет собой академический проект, который родился из потребности рассмотреть системный подход к социальной реальности, как к структуре общих смыслов, субъектами, которые строят свою повседневную жизнь в рамках группы, в которой они отражают свое существование через различные факторы: географические, образовательные, экономические, политические, культурные и ...

    26,54 €

  • Kenntnis und Anwendung von Biodünger durch die Zuckerrohrbauern
    Dhanshri Nigade
    Die vorliegende Studie wurde hauptsächlich mit dem Ziel durchgeführt, das Wissen und die Akzeptanz von Biodüngern bei den Zuckerrohranbauern zu untersuchen. Für die Studie wurde der Bezirk Latur in der Region Marathwada ausgewählt. Drei Talukas, nämlich Latur, Ausa und Nilanga, wurden gezielt aus dem Bezirk ausgewählt, und vier Dörfer aus jedem Talukas wurden auf der Grundlage ...

    75,26 €

  • Знание и применение биоудобрений производителями сахарного тростника
    Дханшри Нигаде
    Настоящее исследование проводилось главным образом с целью изучения знаний и применения биоудобрений фермерами, выращивающими сахарный тростник. Для исследования был выбран округ Латур, расположенный в регионе Маратхвада. Три талука (Латур, Ауса и Ниланга) были выбраны из района целенаправленно, и по четыре деревни из каждого талука были выбраны целенаправленно на основе площад...

    33,46 €

  • Conhecimento e adoção de biofertilizantes pelos produtores de cana-de-açúcar
    Dhanshri Nigade
    O presente estudo foi realizado principalmente com o objetivo de estudar o conhecimento e a adoção de biofertilizantes pelos produtores de cana-de-açúcar. Para o estudo, o distrito de Latur foi selecionado propositadamente na região de Marathwada. Três talukas, nomeadamente Latur, Ausa e Nilanga, foram seleccionadas propositadamente e quatro aldeias de cada talukas foram selecc...

    75,20 €

  • Connaissance et adoption des bio-engrais par les producteurs de canne à sucre
    Dhanshri Nigade
    La présente étude a été menée principalement dans le but d’étudier la connaissance et l’adoption des bio-fertilisants par les producteurs de canne à sucre. Pour l’étude, le district de Latur a été sélectionné à dessein dans la région de Marathwada. Trois talukas (Latur, Ausa et Nilanga) ont été sélectionnés dans le district et quatre villages de chaque talukas ont été sélection...

    75,26 €

  • Conoscenza e adozione dei biofertilizzanti da parte dei coltivatori di canna da zucchero
    Dhanshri Nigade
    Il presente studio è stato condotto principalmente con l’obiettivo di studiare la conoscenza e l’adozione dei biofertilizzanti da parte dei coltivatori di canna da zucchero. Per lo studio è stato selezionato in modo mirato il distretto di Latur, nella regione di Marathwada. Tre talune, Latur, Ausa e Nilanga, sono state selezionate in modo mirato dal distretto e quattro villaggi...

    75,20 €

  • South Indian Brahmins in Sri Lankan Culture
    Bandara Bandaranayake
    This book presents a new and confrontational perspective on South Indian migration to Sri Lanka, in contrast to the traditional historical records.The central theme of the book is about a group of South Indian Brāhmins who migrated to Sath Korale (Kurunegala District), Sri Lanka, in the 16th century, during the Mundukondapola regional kingdom. In addition to an account of Brāhm...

    18,10 €

  • Gathering Sounds Too
    Tenali Hrenak
    In Gathering Sounds Too, readers revisit the Rainbow gathering community through the audio archive project, Sounds from the Rainbow, created over a 23-year period. As part of this experience, readers are invited to wander through approximately 23 unique sound files or Sound-Trails, following a loose-knit dreamscape narrative, which utilizes a Rainbow Trail theme to imaginativel...

    56,19 €

  • Gathering Sounds Too
    Tenali Hrenak
    In Gathering Sounds Too, readers revisit the Rainbow gathering community through the audio archive project, Sounds from the Rainbow, created over a 23-year period. As part of this experience, readers are invited to wander through approximately 23 unique sound files or Sound-Trails, following a loose-knit dreamscape narrative, which utilizes a Rainbow Trail theme to imaginativel...

    39,99 €

  • Beyond The Blue
    Phillippa Leslie
    Finally people are beginning to believe that there is a possibility of there being ’something out there’! I have attempted to reveal the fascinating, ethereal, magical expanse of our Universe and the possibility of extra-terrestrial life existing within it, other than ourselves. Up to now files on UFOs and alien craft/beings have been sealed, but we are now experiencing thei...

    19,15 €

  • Conto - Ligações De Uma Paixão
    Duarte M. B.
    Sinopse: O amor tem seus caminhos misteriosos para fazer se encontrarem duas pessoas. Após isso o que os movem, influenciam, inspiram e faz acontecer adanadada paixão-amor? Será uma meraQuímica, Destino, Acaso,Vontade e ou Desejos de e entre essas duas pessoas? Muitas indagações e reflexões ainda envolvem os sentimentos denominados de amor e paixão, mas aqui amor e paixão serão...

    10,19 €

  • Enfermedad mental por sugestión
    Milton Fredy Valdez
    A lo largo del transcurrir de los tiempos, el miedo y la confusión han creado las peores catástrofes en la mente humana; todas las culturas están plegadas de historias que pueden superar la ficción. Ante esa afirmación me dispuse a investigar desde creencias y enfermedades inducidas... Claudia nunca pensó que su propio cuerpo obedeciera a los caprichos de un extraño, y de maner...

    8,50 €

  • Religion and Culture in a Changing Malawi
    Joseph Chaphadzika Chakanza
    Joseph Chaphadzika Chakanza was born in 1943 at Mchacha Village, T.A. Malemia in Nsanje District where he grew up and discovered his vocation as a Catholic priest, being ordained in 1969. After studies for a Master’s degree at the University of Aberdeen, he returned to Malawi and was appointed Lecturer in Religious Studies at Chancellor College, University of Malawi, in 1977. D...

    39,09 €

  • Intercultural Citizenship in Language Education
    This book explores Intercultural Citizenship across a variety of US learning contexts. The chapters, which comprise both conceptual and empirical studies, represent a wide variety of languages at levels ranging from beginner to advanced. They urge us to look at how Intercultural Citizenship enhances and expands the work of world language educators. ...

    48,15 €

  • Intercultural Citizenship in Language Education
    This book explores Intercultural Citizenship across a variety of US learning contexts. The chapters, which comprise both conceptual and empirical studies, represent a wide variety of languages at levels ranging from beginner to advanced. They urge us to look at how Intercultural Citizenship enhances and expands the work of world language educators. ...

    169,76 €

  • A Culture Going Mad
    Ronald C. Surels
    In this small volume, the author focuses on some of the dangerous major issues that are occurring in our Western culture and societies of this present age. These issues are evil and dangerous. They diametrically oppose the values and morals of not only common sense but of the traditions and values of the Judeo-Christian faith upon which the Western culture is based.The theme of...

    11,25 €

  • Domande di COVID-19
    Yang Pachankis
    La proliferazione nucleare è una minaccia moderna per la salute globale. La ricerca sul campo viene riorganizzata durante l’intensificazione della deroga nei determinanti istituzionali globali della salute. L’effetto di spillover del sistema sanitario pubblico della Repubblica Popolare Cinese viene sistematicamente ricercato e analizzato in letteratura come sfondo alle domande ...

    125,66 €

  • Questions sur le COVID-19
    Yang Pachankis
    La prolifération nucléaire est une menace moderne pour la santé mondiale. La recherche sur le terrain est réorganisée pendant la dérogation intensifiée dans les déterminants institutionnels mondiaux de la santé. L’effet de débordement du système de santé publique de la République populaire de Chine fait l’objet d’une recherche et d’une analyse systématiques dans la littérature ...

    125,61 €

  • Вопросы по COVID-19
    Ян Пачанкис
    Распространение ядерного оружия - современная угроза здоровью населения планеты. Полевые исследования реорганизуются в период усиления дерогации в глобальных институциональных детерминантах здоровья. Побочный эффект системы здравоохранения Китайской Народной Республики систематически исследуется и анализируется в литературе как фон для конкретных вопросов COVID-19. Поскольку SA...

    68,07 €

  • Fragen zu COVID-19
    Yang Pachankis
    Die nukleare Proliferation ist eine moderne Bedrohung für die globale Gesundheit. Die Feldforschung wird im Zuge der verstärkten Ausnahmesituation bei den globalen institutionellen Determinanten der Gesundheit neu organisiert. Der Spillover-Effekt des öffentlichen Gesundheitssystems der Volksrepublik China wird in der Literatur systematisch recherchiert und analysiert und bilde...

    125,57 €

  • Perguntas sobre a COVID-19
    Yang Pachankis
    A proliferação nuclear é uma ameaça moderna à saúde global. A pesquisa de campo é reorganizada durante a derrogação intensificada nos determinantes institucionais globais da saúde. O efeito de transbordamento do sistema de saúde pública da República Popular da China é sistematicamente pesquisado e analisado na literatura como pano de fundo para as questões específicas da COVID-...

    125,64 €

  • 101 Original INSPIRATIONAL QUOTES That Make You Think
    Andrea Campbell
    If you are looking for a source of inspiration that goes beyond the ordinary; or you are seeking to deepen your critical thinking and leadership skills to inspire others and boost productivity, this is the book for you.Discover a treasury of wisdom that transcends the ordinary in '101 Original Inspirational Quotes That Make You Think.' These original insights are not the echo o...

    22,09 €

  • Forschung für ausgebildete Problemlöser
    Hector Kuri
    Ziel dieser Untersuchung ist es, die Leistung all jener zuverlässigen Mitarbeiter zu bewerten, die in Six Sigma und Red X Shainin-Methoden zur strukturierten Problemlösung in allen Abteilungen eines Montagewerks von Electronic Components of Mexico in der Stadt Reynosa, Tamaulipas, Mexiko, geschult worden sind. Die Häufigkeit des Einsatzes strukturierter Problemlösungsmethoden i...

    53,66 €

  • Toxic Families, Violent Lives
    Stephen G. Lindsey
    IF YOU ARE A PARENT, SCHOOLTEACHER, LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER, OR MENTAL HEALTHCARE PROVIDER, Toxic Families, Violent Lives lays out what you need to know aboutwhat is causing heightened levels of childhood/adolescent mental illness, behavioral disorders, juvenile alcohol and substance abuse, gang membership, school dropouts, teen pregnancies, and pervasive crime and violence. To...

    21,64 €

  • Toxic Families, Violent Lives
    Stephen G. Lindsey
    IF YOU ARE A PARENT, SCHOOLTEACHER, LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER, OR MENTAL HEALTHCARE PROVIDER, Toxic Families, Violent Lives lays out what you need to know aboutwhat is causing heightened levels of childhood/adolescent mental illness, behavioral disorders, juvenile alcohol and substance abuse, gang membership, school dropouts, teen pregnancies, and pervasive crime and violence. To...

    33,57 €

  • Shépa
    Bendi Tso / Mark Turin / Marnyi Gyatso
    Shépa: ’explanation’ or ’elucidation’ in Tibetan.A form of oral poetry sung antiphonally in a question-and-answer style.This book contains a unique collection of Tibetan oral narrations and songs known as Shépa, as these have been performed, recorded and shared between generations of Choné Tibetans from Amdo living in the eastern Tibetan Plateau. Presented in trilingual format ...

    52,37 €

  • Shépa
    Bendi Tso / Mark Turin / Marnyi Gyatso
    Shépa: ’explanation’ or ’elucidation’ in Tibetan.A form of oral poetry sung antiphonally in a question-and-answer style.This book contains a unique collection of Tibetan oral narrations and songs known as Shépa, as these have been performed, recorded and shared between generations of Choné Tibetans from Amdo living in the eastern Tibetan Plateau. Presented in trilingual format ...

    74,47 €