Teoría literaria

Literatura y estudios literarios / Literatura: historia y crítica / Teoría literaria (1352)

Libros Eliminar filtro Literatura y estudios literarios Eliminar filtro Literatura: historia y crítica Eliminar filtro Teoría literaria Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Estética Da Confissão
    João B. Martins De Morais
    Este livro analisa as consequências da valorização da escrita de si na consolidação do gênero romanesco moderno à luz das reflexões do professor e crítico literário Ian Watt de que o romance moderno se consolidou quando os recursos narrativos nele utilizados se subordinaram a um propósito moral e da constatação de Michel Foucault de que a prática da confissão religiosa gradativ...

    12,50 €

  • A Theory of Thrills, Sublime and Epiphany in Literature
    Nigel Fabb
    A psychological explanation of goosebumps and tears, of the epiphanic experience of seeing something ordinary in a profoundly new way, and of the overwhelming perception of the sublime. These experiences found in life and literature involve a feeling of coming to know something deeply important but impossible to describe. ...

    180,30 €

  • Literature
    How does literature work? And what does it mean? How does it relate to the world: to politics, to history, to the environment? How do we analyse and interpret a literary text, paying attention to its specific poetic and fictitious qualities? This wide-ranging introduction helps students to explore these and many other essential questions in the study of literature, criticism an...

    44,82 €

  • Literature and Skepticism
    Pablo Oyarzun
    Examines the skeptical foundations of literature in order to reassess the status of fiction. ...

    42,16 €

  • Kenneth Burke’s Weed Garden
    Kyle Jensen
    Reconstructs Kenneth Burke’s drafting and revision process for A Rhetoric of Motives and The War of Words, placing Burke’s work in historical context and revealing his reliance on the concept of myth. ...

    172,88 €

  • Fantasmas Do Império
    Leonardo Von Pfeil Rommel
    O livro mergulha na vasta e incansável obra do escritor português António Lobo Antunes para analisar os traumas e impactos que a Guerra Colonial, capítulo final de um Império de cinco séculos, gerou na história e na identidade portuguesa contemporânea.A literatura de Lobo Antunes executa uma profunda radiografia sociológica de Portugal no decorrer do século XX. Seus romances, p...

    13,48 €

  • Critical theory and dystopia
    Patricia McManus
    Bringing the resources of critical theory to bear on the genre of dystopian fiction, this volume demonstrates both the continuing potential of Theodor Adorno’s work on literature, and the meaning of dystopia when considered in the light of Adorno’s critique of modernity. ...

    145,24 €

  • The wood engravers’ self-portrait
    Bethan Stevens
    The first major study of Dalziel Brothers, a Victorian image-making firm that made a phenomenal contribution to mass visual culture. ...

    121,71 €

  • Rereading Empathy
    Over the last few decades and from across a spectrum of centrist political thought, a variety of academic disciplines, and numerous public intellectuals, the claim has been that we need to empathize more with marginalized people as a way to alleviate social inequalities. If we all had more skill with empathy, so the claim goes, we would all be better citizens. But what does it ...

    154,58 €

  • Camões E O Outro Camões De José Saramago
    Flávio G Vichinsky
    A consolidação da figura de Camões como elemento dos mais relevantes na cultura portuguesa é consenso entre os historiadores, literatos e demais estudiosos do processo de formação histórica e social desse país. A obra do poeta e a sua biografia, bem como a mitologia que as envolvem, transformaram-no em um dos maiores e mais conhecidos símbolos de Portugal, o que o coloca muitas...

    9,71 €

  • Between Celan and Heidegger
    Pablo Oyarzun / D. J. S. Cross
    Probing reassessment of the relation between Celan’s poetry and Heidegger’s thought. ...

    121,99 €

  • Rationality Is . . . The Essence of Literary Theory
    Norm Klassen
    A culturally influential sub-discipline within literary studies, literary theory has developed in parallel form in other arts and social science disciplines, so that one might refer to ''cultural theory'' or ''social theory'' as well, or even just to ''theory.'' It’s as familiar as the word ''postmodern'' and as tricky as ''deconstruction.'' What is it about? What is at stake?T...

    20,38 €

  • Rationality Is . . . The Essence of Literary Theory
    Norm Klassen
    A culturally influential sub-discipline within literary studies, literary theory has developed in parallel form in other arts and social science disciplines, so that one might refer to ''cultural theory'' or ''social theory'' as well, or even just to ''theory.'' It’s as familiar as the word ''postmodern'' and as tricky as ''deconstruction.'' What is it about? What is at stake?T...

    33,97 €

  • The Rebirth of American Literary Theory and Criticism
    H. Aram Veeser
    A group of homogeneous interviews with contemporary literary and cultural theorists All the interviews are completed. The same ten questions were addressed to all the interviewees. The result is a homogeneous volume unlike most other interview projects. ...

    59,32 €

  • Offering Theory
    John Mowitt
    A reading of Theory that in tracing when and where Theory arises in the event of reading, proposes how Theory might best be handled in the context of higher education today. ...

    57,60 €

  • Elegy for Literature
    Jeffrey T Nealon / Jeffrey T. Nealon
    Elegy for Literature is an overview of the current crisis within the academic study of literature. It suggests a way forward for rethinking the work that literary studies can do - less as a set of literary objects, and more as a way of life. ...

    35,47 €

  • The Dancing Body in Renaissance Choreography
    Mark Franko
    The Dancing Body in Renaissance Choreography is a study of the theory of kinetic theatricality in the western European context. The dancing body of courtly social dance is analyzed in French and Italian dance treatises of the Renaissance through the intertexts of oratorical action, pedagogical discourses of civility and conceptions of value emanating from descriptions of social...

    180,58 €

  • Unworkable
    Fabio Vighi
    Explores the slow but inevitable implosion of our civilization by considering the correlation between capital, work, and ideology. ...

    121,84 €

  • Accumulation and Subjectivity
    Karen Benezra
    Reconsiders key concepts in Marxist thought by examining the relationship between accumulation and subjectivity in Latin American narrative, film, and social and political theory. ...

    84,91 €

  • Elements of Criticism
    Henry Home Lord Kames
    Elements of Criticism (1762) is a philosophical work by Henry Home, Lord Kames. Published at the height of his career as a leading legal and cultural figure of the Scottish Enlightenment, Elements of Criticism has been credited as a crucial academic work in the development of modern English literary studies. 'The science of criticism tends to improve the heart not less than the...

    30,34 €

  • Dockside Reading
    Isabel Hofmeyr
    In Dockside Reading Isabel Hofmeyr traces the relationships among print culture, colonialism, and the ocean through the institution of the British colonial Custom House. During the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, dockside customs officials would leaf through publications looking for obscenity, politically objectionable materials, or reprints of British copyrighte...

    115,60 €

  • Dockside Reading
    Isabel Hofmeyr
    In Dockside Reading Isabel Hofmeyr traces the relationships among print culture, colonialism, and the ocean through the institution of the British colonial Custom House. During the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, dockside customs officials would leaf through publications looking for obscenity, politically objectionable materials, or reprints of British copyrighte...

    29,42 €

  • Teoría de la narrativa: Panorama histórico y selección de textos
    César de Vicente Hernando / José R. Valles Calatrava / José RValles Calatrava
    Este panorama histórico, que se centra esencialmente en el ámbito europeo y anglosajón aunque con una atención especial al espacio hispánico, está dividido en cinco apartados en consonancia con lo planteado en la Guía Docente. En el primero se examinan reflexiones y teorías destacadas sobre los géneros narrativos desde la antigüedad grecorromana hasta las teorías realistas y na...

    18,50 €

  • Arroz y tartana
    Vicente Blasco Ibáñez
    Arroz y tartana (1894) pertenece a la primera etapa creadora de Vicente Blasco Ibáñez. Escrita en su día para el folletín del diario republicano El Pueblo, que él mismo fundó, la novela, que narra la caída de una familia perteneciente a la esfera del comercio como resultado de su obsesión por las apariencias, apunta contra una clase social la aún incipiente burguesía española q...

    19,95 €

  • The Companion to Juri Lotman
    Juri Lotman (1922-1993), the Russian-Estonian literary scholar, cultural historian and semiotician, was one of the most original and important cultural theorists of the 20th century, as well as a co-founder of the well-known Tartu-Moscow School of Semiotics. This is the first authoritative volume to explore Lotman’s work and discuss his main ideas and intellectual legacy in the...

    152,88 €

  • Fracture Feminism
    David Sigler
    Shows how feminist writing in British Romanticism developed alternatives to linear time. ...

    43,11 €

  • Poetics of Breathing
    Stefanie Heine
    A comparative study of breath and breathing as a core poetic and compositional principle in modern literature. ...

    43,93 €

  • Literature and Skepticism
    Pablo Oyarzun
    Examines the skeptical foundations of literature in order to reassess the status of fiction. ...

    121,86 €

  • Escribir en Hispanoamérica.
    El tema central de este volumen es el de las relaciones entre literatura y realidad asumidas como Objeto científico de los estudios literarios latinoamericanos.Se interesa, por ello, en los fundamentos teóricos y metodológicos de un doble proyecto cognoscitivo: de la literatura latinoamericana a partir de la multiformerealidad que la circunscribe y de la realidad latinoamerican...

    26,00 €

  • Linguistic Landscapes and Educational Spaces
    The educational turn in linguistic and semiotic landscapes studies is advanced through this volume’s broad and detailed analyses. Empirical examinations of interconnections among language, signs, space and practices combine with action research on mobilising linguistic landscapes as pedagogical resources to address scholars and practitioners alike. ...

    72,31 €