Teoría psicológica y escuelas de pensamiento

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  • Mental Capacity testing and effects of Stress on Mental Performance
    Twin Srikaew
    'It’s a fine thing to have ability, but the ability to discover ability in others is the true test' (Elbert Hubbard) As we approach the new millennium, the advances in information and communication technology overloads our senses with massive amount of information which must be categorized and presented efficiently for better understanding of the topic or even to generate...

    124,25 €

  • Psycho-social Impacts of Armed Conflict on Women in Sri Lanka
    Lalit Jung Shahi
    Psycho-social Impacts of Armed Conflict on Women in Sri Lanka, is based on the research, which was conducted by author in the year 2011 in Jaffna district (Northern Province of Sri Lanka). A history of two decades-long devastating civil war of Sri Lanka results a poor picture of civilian in all aspects of their lives. So this book will help us to figure out the conflict of Sri ...

    75,94 €

  • Dream
    Naorem Binita Devi
    Dream is some sort of activities which can be shown to the dreamer with some form of symbols that are difficult to decipher but it can give meaningful interpersonal conflictual situation or one’s form of tension situation if one gets the meaning of the symbol. It gives recall experiences when one awakes from the sleep. Sometimes you find very strange situation after having bee...

    121,96 €

  • Stress Vs Productivity
    The author seeks to describe functionally the nature of human stress and its link with a wide variety of issues or activities. It affects health, performance, wellness, crime, violence, positive affectivity, productivity, well¬being (happiness), family life, marriage, learning activities, problem-solving, decision making, diseases of lifestyle, ageing, etc. To ensure effective ...

    121,71 €

  • Survival and Trials of Revival
    Hillel Klein
    This book offers psychodynamic studies of Holocaust survivors and their families in Israel and the Diaspora. It is a most moving account of the desperate struggles of these survivors to overcome their horrendous experiences in the ghettos and concentration camps and their subsequent attempts to revive their lives after the Second World War. Hillel Klein, the author, was himself...

    95,38 €

  • Winnicott and Religion
    Stephen Parker / Stephen Ph.D Parker
    This book explores how religion shaped and informed the life and work of D. W. Winnicott, the eminent British pediatrician and psychoanalyst. It highlights the influence of his Wesleyan Methodist upbringing upon his work as well as how his career in psychoanalysis changed his view of religion. It traces the nature of Winnicott’s religious behavior and practice over his life and...

    138,65 €

  • A Brief Introduction to Psychoanalytic Theory
    Stephen Frosh

    47,03 €

  • Satsang und Psychotherapie
    Padma Wolff
    Inhaltlich unveränderte Neuauflage. Auf der Suche nach Heilung, Erfüllung und Glück bieten Spiritualität und Psychotherapie verschiedene Wege. Beide Seiten betrachten einander jedoch oft mit Skepsis. Diese Arbeit erforscht ebenjenes Spannungsfeld in diesem Grenz­bereich. Stellvertretend für die spirituelle Seite steht hier „Satsang', eine Aus­richtung innerer Selbsterforschung,...

    87,33 €

  • The Gnostic Gospel of Thomas
    Joseph Lumpkin
    The Gnostic Gospel of Thomas, containing History, Translation, Commentary, and Insights from a Jungian perspective - - We are born of wisdom yet unrealized and of divine power, yet undiscovered. We were created outside the 'fullness,' but the fullness is within us, waiting, calling. Deep within there is a divine discontent. We are homesick for a place beyond where and what we ...

    24,77 €

  • Lifting the Veil
    Fred Gustafson / Jane Kamerling

    37,15 €

  • Freud’s World
    Luis Cordón

    142,82 €

  • Das Geheimnis der Anziehungskraft
    Susanne Macka
    Innerhalb der Partnerwahl werden die Qualen und Freuden des Verliebt- Seins erlebt. Schlaflose Nächte werden einkehren, wo man nur an den oder die Auserwählte denken kann. Doch warum empfinden wir all diese Qual und Ekstase ausgerechnet bei „ihr' oder bei „ihm'? David Buss ein Evolutionspsychologe meinte dazu: „Niemals begehren Menschen alle Vertreter des anderen Geschlechts gl...

    49,26 €

  • Jungian Symbolic Psychology
    Carlos Amadeu Botelho Byington
    In Jungian symbolic psychology, the concept of symbol is extended to encompass the entire individual and collective psyche. Structuring symbols, complexes, and functions are expressed as polarities that include both the subjective and objective worlds.Consciousness is described as the interaction of five archetypal forms of intelligence. Among them, Carlos Amadeu Botelho Byingt...

    51,99 €

  • Jungian Symbolic Psychology
    Carlos Amadeu Botelho Byington
    In Jungian symbolic psychology, the concept of symbol is extended to encompass the entire individual and collective psyche. Structuring symbols, complexes, and functions are expressed as polarities that include both the subjective and objective worlds.Consciousness is described as the interaction of five archetypal forms of intelligence. Among them, Carlos Amadeu Botelho Byingt...

    26,90 €

  • Marked by Fire
    When Soul appeared to C.G. Jung and demanded he change his life, he opened himself to the powerful forces of the unconscious. He recorded his inner journey, his conversations with figures that appeared to him in vision and in dream in The Red Book. Although it would be years before The Red Book was published, much of what we now know as Jungian psychology began in those pages, ...

    47,95 €

  • Understanding Personality through Projective Testing
    Steven Tuber
    Understanding Personality Through Projective Testing provides a concise, nuanced depiction of six core aspects of personality within a psychodynamic/developmental framework. It then portrays how each of these domains can be assessed with four projective methods: the Rorschach, TAT, Sentence Completion and Animal Preference Tests. The strengths and heuristic value of each of the...

    131,84 €

  • Psyche’s Knife
    Elizabeth Eowyn Nelson
    Psyche’s Knife examines the myth of Eros and Psyche as a metaphor for the development of soul in the psychology of women, explicating the tropes of love and power as depicted by Psyche’s use of a knife in attempting to learn the identity of her lover.Elizabeth Eowyn Nelson examines the metaphor of the knife from all angles—alchemical, sacrificial, lunar, phallic—and delves into...

    52,69 €

  • Psyche’s Knife
    Elizabeth Eowyn Nelson
    Psyche’s Knife examines the myth of Eros and Psyche as a metaphor for the development of soul in the psychology of women, explicating the tropes of love and power as depicted by Psyche’s use of a knife in attempting to learn the identity of her lover.Elizabeth Eowyn Nelson examines the metaphor of the knife from all angles—alchemical, sacrificial, lunar, phallic—and delves into...

    21,32 €

  • Psychosynthesis
    Roberto MD Assagioli
    This is the seminal work by Dr. Roberto Assagioli, M.D. on a psychological model he developed called psychosynthesis. He was a contemporary and colleague of both Freud and Jung and had studied the work of both schools associated with them. He saw psychosynthesis as an evolution of the psychological thinking of the time to include all of a person’s body, mind & spirit in the pro...

    21,62 €

  • The Development of Psycho-Analysis
    Otto Rank / Sandor Ferenczi
    2012 Reprint of 1925 Edition. Exact facsimile of the original edition, not reproduced with Optical Recognition Software. In this book, conceived in 1922 and published in 1924, Sándor Ferenczi and Otto Rank were reacting against the practical fallout (transference and resistances in psychoanalytic treatment) from Freud’s ideas on repetition compulsion and analysis of the ego. ...

    9,99 €

  • The 27 Club
    Michael Owen
    IS THE 27 CLUB JUST A MYTH? (No). Is it a “curse?” (No). But The 27 Club is not what you think. It’s more than the deaths of Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison, Janis Joplin, Kurt Cobain, Amy Winehouse and others. Using the teachings of the Moon Cycles and C. G. Jung’s notion of the puer (the creative person who is always young beyond his years and often dies an early death, physical o...

    8,73 €

  • Jungian Symbolism in Astrology
    Alice O Howell
    Over the centuries astrology has been a source of help to many people. Today, Jungian depth psychology has proven to be of great value in the therapy process. In this book, Alice O. Howell has successfully merged the wisdom of both disciplines, forming a warm and symbiotic relationship between them. Presented as a series of semi-autobiographical letters to an analyst friend, t...

    29,59 €

  • Jung and Ecopsychology
    Dennis L Merritt
    'Western man has no need of more superiority over nature, whether outside or inside. He has both in almost devilish perfection. What he lacks is conscious recognition of his inferiority to nature around him and within him. He must learn that he may not do exactly as he wills. If he does not learn this, his own nature will destroy him. He does not know that his own soul is rebel...

    36,94 €

  • Addiction as an Attachment Disorder
    Philip J. Flores / Philip JFlores
    From the Foreword: ’Addiction is a disorder in self-regulation. Individuals who become dependent on addictive substances cannot regulate their emotions, self-care, self-esteem, and relationships. In this monumental and illuminating text Philip Flores covers all the reasons why this is so. But it is the domain of interpersonal relations that he makes clear why individuals suscep...

    71,88 €

  • Gestalt Therapy for Addictive and Self-Medicating Behaviors
    Philip Brownell
    'This volume describes the most current gestalt approaches to treating substance abuse and other self-medicating behaviors by a leading practitioner and scholar in the field. It is based on the gestalt view of the self-medicating dynamic as one of pattern repetition and difficulty overcoming rigid patterns of response to sensory experience and life’s routine demands. The book ...

    86,63 €

  • The Total Transference and the Complete Counter-Transference
    Robert Waska
    This volume shows the therapeutic power the modern Kleinian psychoanalytic approach can have with patients throughout the diagnostic spectrum. By attending to the interpersonal, transactional, and intra-psychic levels of transference, counter-transference and unconscious phantasy with consistent here-and-now and in-the-moment interpretation, the Kleinian method can be therapeut...

    125,18 €

  • La Evasión espiritual
    Masters Robert Augustus
    ¿Alguna vez has...utilizado la espiritualidad como una especie de vía de escape para huir de la realidad, o como un modo de evitar algún aspecto doloroso de tu vida?dejado que se aprovechasen de ti o te pisoteasen en nombre de una ciega compasión?empleado terminología espiritual para reetiquetar tus propias sombras y pavimentar con pegotes de alquitrán los baches de tu personal...

    17,94 €

  • Time please
    Mikael Curman
    TIME PLEASE, the party is over, business as usual is closing! Planet Earth can´t take MORE of what we do today. We have to find a road not yet travelled to create a sustainable future. The world’s situation is similar to that of when a person seeks therapy and says, 'My life is unsatisfactory, but I don´t know what to do'. Through an open-minded interaction between outer and in...

    17,15 €

  • Dark Traces of the Past
    The relationship between historical studies and psychoanalysis remains an open debate that is full of tension, in both a positive and a negative sense. In particular, the following question has not been answered satisfactorily: what distinguishes a psychoanalytically oriented study of historical realities from a historical psychoanalysis? Skepticism and fear of collaboration do...

    184,33 €

  • Working with Trauma
    Marilyn Charles
    Working with Trauma: Lessons from Bion and Lacan by Marilyn Charles takes concepts from the psychoanalytic literature and translates them into user-friendly language. Charles focuses on clinical work with more severely disturbed patients, for whom trauma has impeded their psychosocial development, in order to show mental health professionals how they might use different concept...

    118,50 €