Estudios culturales

Sociedad y ciencias sociales / Sociedad y cultura: general / Estudios culturales (5252)

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  • 大鱼讲论语:学而第一
    本册图书为《大鱼讲论语》系列图书第一册,包含《论语》总述和'学而第一'的全部内容,总计17讲音频的同步文字。大鱼老师会细致解读《论语》内容,把每一句原文都还原到当时的历史背景,发挥记者的职业精神,抽丝剥茧进行分析。这句话的主人公是谁,他是在什么情况下说的这句话?为什么会说这句话,蕴含了什么深刻的含义,和小朋友现在的生活又有什么联系?'一步步把生涩难懂的古文,变成生动有趣的内容。除了讲解原文,每讲内容还会就原文引申出精彩的历史和人物故事,以经解经,以史证经,让孩子通过人物命运来理解原文,通过故事来感悟人生,构建国学知识大百科,厘清历史格局,开拓心胸视野。 ...

    33,16 €

  • 诺查丹玛斯密码
    《诺查丹玛斯密码》对诺查丹玛斯于400年前所著的一本叫做《诸世纪》的预言诗作出全新解读,内容涉及历史上的多个时代,包括诗篇中的时代、英国的浮世年华、潮起潮落法兰西、新时代的世界者、诺查丹玛斯印象中的中国、诗集中的宗教事件、尚未破解的密码七个章节。作者以真实的笔触,传释经典著作的奥义,窥伺天机,用当今的流行观点诠释古老的预言诗集。诺查丹玛斯,是历史上著名的世界级预言家,为法国籍犹太裔,原名米歇尔·德·诺特达姆。他与中国著名预言家袁天罡齐名,如果说东方有袁天罡,那么西方就有诺查丹玛斯。 ...

    34,28 €

  • Maçonaria Sem Segredos
    José Filardo
    Você já ouviu falar da Maçonaria através de um amigo, ou da Internet, aquela instituição misteriosa que lhe pareceu bastante atrativa por sua ação na sociedade, mas esbarrou em uma montanha de desinformação, ou informações contraditórias.Gostaria de ingressar ou recebeu um convite de um conhecido e não sabe o que responder pois desconhece tudo sobre Maçonaria. O amigo que convi...

    10,26 €

  • História E Memória De Brasilândia/ms Volume Iv-desenvolvimento
    Carlos Alberto Dos Santos Dutra
    Este livro integra o 4º volume da coleção dedicada aos 50 anos de emancipação político administrativa do município de Brasilândia/MS sob o título História e Memória de Brasilândia/MS reunindo e dando destaque aos eventos históricos que gravitam em torno da Infraestrutura Econômica e Social, O mundo Urbano e Rural que nos Rodeia, e a Administração Pública e o Desenvolvimento que...

    30,63 €

  • Die Ubernahme
    Edward Winterhalder / Wil De Clercq
    In den frühen 1990er Jahren unterwarfen Maurice „Mom' Boucher und seine Kollegen von Montreal Hells Angels, angeblich die rücksichtslosesten und bösartigsten Biker der Welt, alle Ankömmlinge außer den knallharten Mitgliedern der Rock Machine. Gegründet von Salvatore Cazzetta, einem ex-freund von Boucher, hatte die Rock Machine die Absicht, sich gegen die Hells Angels zu behaupt...

    17,05 €

  • La Asimilacion
    Edward Winterhalder / Wil De Clercq
    A principios de la década de 1990, Maurice 'Mom' Boucher y sus compañeros Hells Angels de Montreal, supuestamente los motociclistas más despiadados y viciosos del mundo, sometieron a todos los participantes excepto a los miembros duros de Rock Machine. Fundada por Salvatore Cazzetta, un ex amigo de Boucher, Rock Machine tenía toda la intención de enfrentarse a los Hells Angels....

    17,10 €

  • L’Assimilation
    Edward Winterhalder / Wil De Clercq
    Au début des années 1990, Maurice 'Mom' Boucher et ses camarades des Hells Angels de Montréal, réputés être les motards les plus impitoyables et les plus vicieux du monde, ont maîtrisé tous les arrivants, à l’exception des membres coriaces des Rock Machine. Fondée par Salvatore Cazzetta, un ex-ami de Boucher, la Rock Machine avait bien l’intention de tenir tête aux Hells Angels...

    17,10 €

  • Crowds in American Culture, Society and Politics
    Arthur Asa Berger
    This book builds on Le Bon’s classic, The Crowd, to evaluate the role of crowds in American culture, society and politics. ...

    35,86 €

  • Relocating the Sacred
    Niyi Afolabi
    Maps manifestations of the sacred and religious syncretism in Afro-Brazilian cultural forms. ...

    42,92 €

  • Auf Der Suche Nach Meiner Identität (Band 1)
    Edward Winterhalder
    Band 1 von Auf der Suche nach meiner Identität ist eine chronologische Autobiografie eines Outlaw-Bikers, die sein Leben von einem unruhigen Jugendlichen in den sechziger Jahren bis zum prominenten Anführer eines berüchtigten internationalen Motorradclubs im Januar 2001 abdeckt. Für die breite Öffentlichkeit und diejenigen in der akademischen Gemeinschaft bestimmt die Outlaw-Bi...

    28,71 €

  • Auf Der Suche Nach Meiner Identität (Band 2)
    Edward Winterhalder
    Band 2 von Auf der Suche nach meiner Identität ist eine chronologische Autobiografie eines Outlaw-Bikers, die sein Leben vom prominenten Anführer eines berüchtigten internationalen Motorradclubs im Januar 2001 bis zu seiner Erlösung im Dezember 2020 abdeckt. Für die breite Öffentlichkeit und diejenigen in der akademischen Gemeinschaft bestimmt die Outlaw-Biker-Aspekte Anthropol...

    28,68 €

  • Recherche De Mon Identité (Vol 1)
    Edward Winterhalder
    Le volume 1 de Recherche De Mon Identité est une autobiographie chronologique d’un motard hors-la-loi qui couvre sa vie d’adolescent troublé dans les années soixante à leader éminent d’un club de motards international notoire en Janvier 2001. Destiné au grand public et aux membres de la communauté universitaire qui trouvez intéressants les aspects de l’anthropologie, de la crim...

    28,76 €

  • Recherche De Mon Identité (Vol 2)
    Edward Winterhalder
    Le volume 2 de Recherche De Mon Identité est une autobiographie chronologique d’un motard hors-la-loi qui couvre sa vie, du leader éminent d’un club de motards international notoire en Janvier 2001 à sa rédemption en Décembre 2020. Destiné au grand public et aux membres de la communauté universitaire qui trouvez intéressants les aspects de l’anthropologie, de la criminologie, d...

    28,78 €

  • The Book of Vice
    Peter Sagal
    Somewhere, somebody is having more fun than you are.Orso everyone believes. Peter Sagal, a mild-mannered, Harvard-educated radio host--the man who puts the second 'l' in 'vanilla'--decided to find out if it’s true. From strip clubs to gambling halls to swingers clubs to porn sets and back to the strip clubs (but only because he left his glasses there), Sagal explores what the s...

    14,59 €

  • Leading Masonic Organizations
    Ashley Moye
    Fraternal politics is a thing in all fraternities, sororities, and social clubs. This book discusses fraternal politics through the lens of Freemasonry to help shed light on the troubling consequence of fraternal politics from lived experiences. To analyze the framework of our political system: consider the foundational teachings of Freemasonry and Masonic scholars’ warnings ab...

    10,85 €

  • The Global Citizen
    Warren Brown
    This is the age of the digital nomad. There are professionals travelling and working all around the globe, far away from their homes. These freelancers are comfortable in the countries that they visit. These entrepreneurs adapt to the land they live in as digital nomads. How are they able to live and work in an entirely new country?Every country is so different and diverse from...

    12,99 €

  • Magical Healing Trees in Slavic Folklore
    Ronesa Aveela
    Venture into the magical, healing world of trees and embrace the power of nature. Magical Healing Trees in Slavic Folklore highlights centuries of folklore and historical facts about 21 healing and magical trees from Slavic folklore and other traditions. Plus, it includes rituals, herbal remedies, and simple recipes. Several high-quality color photos, as well as a full-page bot...

    65,08 €

  • Magical Healing Trees in Slavic Folklore
    Ronesa Aveela
    Venture into the magical, healing world of trees and embrace the power of nature. Magical Healing Trees in Slavic Folklore highlights centuries of folklore and historical facts about 21 healing and magical trees from Slavic folklore and other traditions. Plus, it includes rituals, herbal remedies, and simple recipes. Several high-quality color photos, as well as a full-page bot...

    51,49 €

  • Sonhar Não É Pecado:
    Leandro Rocha Pereira
    Este livro é resultado de uma série de entrevistas realizadas em 2003 pelo jornalista Leandro Rocha Pereira.Portanto, há mais de vinte anos mas que guardam uma inquietante atualidade que reclama uma reflexão crítica.O cenário registrado naquele período (2.003), ainda se faz presente em grandes cidades deste País chamado Brasil, bem como, em outros países, tendo em vista que a p...

    13,29 €

  • Estudos Regionalistas
    Elizandro R. De Rodrigues
    Estes ESTUDOS REGIONALISTAS objetivam revisitar e reunir pesquisas e trabalhos acadêmicos elaborados durante o período em que o autor cursou a Graduação em Letras, bem como das respectivas Especialização e Pós-Graduação que realizou. Neste livro, o leitor conhecerá um pouco da história da formação do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, através da análise de personagens de O Tempo e o ...

    11,01 €

  • All I Ever Wanted
    Jane Lo
    Norah, a vivacious ESL teacher in Hong Kong, deftly straddles two worlds: she is Chinese, but sees life through a western lens because of her upbringing. These two worlds collide when she meets sweet, chivalrous Ben and marries him against her parents’ wishes. Suddenly a wife and daughter-in-law in a traditional Chinese household, Norah is torn between speaking Chinese and Engl...

    24,39 €

  • Latviešu rakstu zīmes dienasgrāmata
    Aigerim Berzinya
    Latvian traditional signs have always played significant role in Latvian culture. Each sign has its own meaning and brings happiness or could be harmful to its owner. It is essential to know sign’s meaning before using it. In this notebook we have collected the most popular signs that you will see in Latvian art, handmade crafts and much more. Description for each sign is writt...

    20,82 €

  • Recollecting Collecting
    Lucy Fischer
    This intriguing volume sheds light on the diverse world of collecting film- and media-related materials. Lucy Fischer’s introduction explores theories of collecting and representations of collecting and collections in film, while arguing that collections of film ephemera and other media-related collections are an important way in to understanding the relationship between materi...

    52,83 €

  • Recollecting Collecting
    Lucy Fischer
    This intriguing volume sheds light on the diverse world of collecting film- and media-related materials. Lucy Fischer’s introduction explores theories of collecting and representations of collecting and collections in film, while arguing that collections of film ephemera and other media-related collections are an important way in to understanding the relationship between materi...

    136,17 €

  • Chinese TV in the Netflix Era
    Xiaying Xu
    This book aims to provide an account of Chinese television, particularly online drama series, or webisodes, with an awareness of the existence and competition of Netflix. ...

    158,92 €

  • Lords of the Manor 2023 (2nd edition)
    The Manorial So... Of England and Wales / The Manorial Socie of England and Wales
    The 2023 second edition of the full register of The Manorial Society of England and Wales ...

    67,03 €

  • Dear Beatle People
    Sara Schmidt
    The story about the Beatles Fan Club in North America has never been told in over 50 years.  This book tells the story of The Beatles fan clubs in the United States and Canada from 1963-1972.  The Beatles had a lot of love and respect for their fan club members and frequently met them while they were touring North America. The stories of fan club members who met The Beatles are...

    55,22 €

  • Dear Beatle People
    Sara Schmidt
    The story about the Beatles Fan Club in North America has never been told in over 50 years.  This book tells the story of The Beatles fan clubs in the United States and Canada from 1963-1972.  The Beatles had a lot of love and respect for their fan club members and frequently met them while they were touring North America. The stories of fan club members who met The Beatles are...

    73,83 €

  • Courage, Confidence and Competence
    Pearce Deacon
    This is a collection of essays I have written over the years that are only related by the underlying subject matter of stupidity and social decline. Most of the essays deal in some way with stupidity, whether to describe or evaluate these issues, or try to counteract them. I hope you enjoy! ...

    9,62 €

  • Bush League, Big City
    Michael Sokolow
    The saga of New York’s push to build two minor-league baseball stadiums, colored by dollars, politics, and dreams. ...

    26,18 €