
Humanidades / Historia (618453)

  • The Souls of Black Folk
    W. E. B. Du Bois
    The Souls of Black Folk, a classical book, has been considered important throughout the human history, and so that this work is never forgotten we at Alpha Editions have made efforts in its preservation by republishing this book in a modern format for present and future generations. This whole book has been reformatted, retyped and designed. These books are not made of scanned ...

    18,06 €

  • The Soul of John Brown
    Stephen Graham
    The Soul of John Brown, a classical book, has been considered important throughout the human history, and so that this work is never forgotten we at Alpha Editions have made efforts in its preservation by republishing this book in a modern format for present and future generations. This whole book has been reformatted, retyped and designed. These books are not made of scanned c...

    18,53 €

  • Lives Illuminated
    Saxon Henry
    Lives Illuminated is a collection of essays that combines Saxon Henry’s passions of traveling, reading, and creative nonfiction. As an intentional traveler, she visits places in order to feel into the past and plumb the lives of the historical figures who have lived in the locales. She has explored Giuditta Pasta’s world on Lake Como; taken in Horace Walpole’s Gothic visions at...

    20,70 €

  • Grizzly Moon
    Patrick Dearen
    Spur Award-Winning AuthorWINNER OF THE ELMER KELTON AWARDFor nineteen years, Wash Baker has been haunted by firing into the night at what he thought was a grizzly, only to kill his young son and narrowly miss a second boy, Trey. Now, in 1899, confirmed tracks of grizzly-a species of bear unknown in Texas-have been found at a Davis Mountains camp meeting attended by Wash and his...

    12,64 €

  • Sher-e-Punjab Maharaja Ranjit Singh
    Gursharan Singh Kainth
    Durch die schiere Kraft seiner Persönlichkeit wurde der 1780 geborene Maharaja Ranjit Singh von 1799 bis 1839 zum unangefochtenen Herrscher des Punjab. Sein Königreich war die letzte Bastion, die den Briten standhielt, ein Symbol für die unvollständige Eroberung Indiens. Mit unkonventioneller Staatskunst und einer schillernden Demonstration von Wagemut und Tapferkeit führte er ...

    85,79 €

  • Sher-e-Punjab Maharaja Ranjit Singh
    Gursharan Singh Kainth
    Par la seule force de sa personnalité, Maharaja Ranjit Singh, né en 1780, est devenu le souverain incontesté du Pendjab de 1799 à 1839, son royaume étant le dernier bastion à résister aux Britanniques, symbole de leur conquête incomplète de l’Inde. S’appuyant sur une politique non conventionnelle et une démonstration éblouissante d’audace et de courage, il s’est servi de sa nat...

    85,80 €

  • Sher-e-Punjab Maharaja Ranjit Singh
    Gursharan Singh Kainth
    Pela força da sua personalidade, o marajá Ranjit Singh, nascido em 1780, tornou-se o governante inquestionável do Punjab de 1799 a 1839, sendo o seu reino o último bastião a resistir aos britânicos, um símbolo da sua conquista incompleta da Índia. Apoiando-se numa política não convencional e numa deslumbrante demonstração de audácia e coragem, exerceu a sua nação guerreira para...

    85,80 €

  • Шер-и-Пунжаб Махараджа Ранджит Сингх
    Гуршаран Синг Каинтх
    Благодаря силе своей личности Махараджа Ранджит Сингх, родившийся в 1780 году, стал непререкаемым правителем Пенджаба с 1799 по 1839 год. Его королевство стало последним бастионом, устоявшим в борьбе с британцами, и символом их незавершенного завоевания Индии. Опираясь на нетрадиционные методы управления государством и демонстрируя ослепительную смелость и отвагу, он привел сво...

    85,78 €

  • Sher-e-Punjab Maharaja Ranjit Singh
    Gursharan Singh Kainth
    Grazie alla forza della sua personalità, il maharaja Ranjit Singh, nato nel 1780, divenne il sovrano indiscusso del Punjab dal 1799 al 1839; il suo regno fu l’ultimo bastione a resistere agli inglesi, simbolo della loro conquista incompleta dell’India. Facendo leva su uno statalismo non convenzionale e su una sfolgorante dimostrazione di audacia e coraggio, egli guidò la sua na...

    85,81 €

  • Southern Concerns
    Walter L. Fleming
    Walter Lynwood Fleming of Alabama (1874-1932) was a prolific historian of the Reconstruction South whose work of editing and assembling primary sources remains the first resource of any scholar of the period. Here are collected, for the first time, Fleming’s best shorter writings, monographs, and selected reviews.Included:'Deportation and Colonization: An Attempted Solution of ...

    24,01 €

  • Counseling Theories
    G. Michael Cocoris
    Counseling Theories:: A Simple Explanation and Biblical Evaluation explains and biblically evaluates five categories of 15 of the major approaches to psychotherapy. In each case the background and theory is first described. An illustration of each theory is also given. Each of the 15 major approaches is then simply summarized. ...

    23,72 €

  • 101 Weird Moments in Human History
    Ahoy Publications
    Discover the weirdest moments in human history!This journey will expose you to a number of facts, including:Stunts of the Stone Age: Uncover the shocking and awe-inspiring stunts of our Stone Age ancestors that will leave you speechless.The Enigmatic World of Ancient Egypt: Explore the mysterious world of Ancient Egypt and the tales that have fascinated scholars for centuries.T...

    14,66 €

  • Relatos de Canadá
    Ahoy Publications
    Recorra estos fascinantes relatos de acontecimientos significativos y personajes interesantes de la historia de Canadá.¿Le interesa la historia de Canadá?¿Desea conocer los personajes y acontecimientos históricos que sentaron las bases de la actual Canadá?¿Busca una guía que aprecie la diversidad y complejidad de la historia canadiense?Desde los comienzos indígenas y las explor...

    14,67 €

  • 101 Weird Moments in Human History
    Ahoy Publications
    Discover the weirdest moments in human history!This journey will expose you to a number of facts, including:Stunts of the Stone Age: Uncover the shocking and awe-inspiring stunts of our Stone Age ancestors that will leave you speechless.The Enigmatic World of Ancient Egypt: Explore the mysterious world of Ancient Egypt and the tales that have fascinated scholars for centuries.T...

    21,77 €

  • Relatos de Canadá
    Ahoy Publications
    Recorra estos fascinantes relatos de acontecimientos significativos y personajes interesantes de la historia de Canadá.¿Le interesa la historia de Canadá?¿Desea conocer los personajes y acontecimientos históricos que sentaron las bases de la actual Canadá?¿Busca una guía que aprecie la diversidad y complejidad de la historia canadiense?Desde los comienzos indígenas y las explor...

    20,94 €

  • One Heartbeat
    Jerry Johnson
    The 1983 University of Texas Longhorn Baseball Team had one of the best collegiate pitching staffs of all time returning from the previous year’s team - but only 2 position players returning. Coach Cliff Gustafson had to put together a team from a disparate group of veterans, junior college transfers, and freshmen that could hopefully compete with the other good teams in the So...

    19,62 €

  • Liberal oder nationalistisch?
    Maiara Sanches
    Ziel dieser Untersuchung ist es, die Wirtschaftspolitik der zweiten Vargas-Regierung (1951-1954) zu analysieren, insbesondere in Bezug auf die Gründung von Petrobras im Jahr 1953, sowie deren Verhältnis zur nationalen Presse. Zu diesem Zweck wurde die Zeitung Folha da Manhã untersucht, um das Verhältnis der Zeitung zur Wirtschaftspolitik zu verstehen, d.h. ob sie eine liberale ...

    50,00 €

  • Liberal or nationalist?
    Maiara Sanches
    This research aims to analyze the economic policies of the second Vargas government (1951-1954), especially in relation to the creation of Petrobras in 1953, as well as its relationship with the national press. To this end, we chose to study the newspaper Folha da Manhã, with the aim of understanding the newspaper’s relationship with economic policies, i.e. whether its position...

    49,93 €

  • Libéral ou nationaliste ?
    Maiara Sanches
    Cette recherche vise à analyser les politiques économiques du deuxième gouvernement Vargas (1951-1954), en particulier en ce qui concerne la création de Petrobras en 1953, ainsi que ses relations avec la presse nationale. Pour ce faire, nous avons choisi d’étudier le journal Folha da Manhã afin de comprendre la relation du journal avec les politiques économiques, c’est-à-dire s...

    49,93 €

  • Liberale o nazionalista?
    Maiara Sanches
    Questa ricerca si propone di analizzare le politiche economiche del secondo governo Vargas (1951-1954), soprattutto in relazione alla creazione della Petrobras nel 1953, e il suo rapporto con la stampa nazionale. A tal fine, abbiamo scelto di studiare il quotidiano Folha da Manhã per capire il rapporto del giornale con le politiche economiche, ovvero se la sua posizione fosse l...

    49,93 €

  • Либерал или националист?
    Майара Санчес
    Цель данного исследования - проанализировать экономическую политику второго правительства Варгаса (1951-1954 гг.), особенно в связи с созданием Petrobras в 1953 г., а также его отношения с национальной прессой. Для этого мы выбрали газету Folha da Manhã, чтобы понять, как она относилась к экономической политике, то есть была ли ее позиция либеральной, националистической или даж...

    50,00 €

  • The Old Norse Spell Book Your Guide to the Elder Futhark, Norse Folklore, Runes, Paganism, Divination, and Magic
    Alda Dagny
    Want to travel back in time to the spellbinding Old Norse world-and find out how you can apply its ancient wisdom and magic to modern situations and problems? Then read on: This is the book for you!Runes-the cryptic letters of an Old Norse alphabet-are more than just a collection of dusty symbols from a bygone era. They’re powerful forces that have long been associated with mag...

    16,37 €

  • Dialogues entre littérature et cinéma
    Fernanda Zaché
    Tout lecteur qui entreprend d’analyser les textes du plus célèbre des dramaturges anglais ne manquera pas de remarquer que William Shakespeare était un grand observateur de l’histoire. Il est curieux de constater que son œuvre a transcendé les siècles et qu’elle est encore fidèlement applaudie aujourd’hui. Étant donné l’universalité notoire de ses œuvres, qui ont été revisitées...

    77,56 €

  • Dialoghi tra letteratura e cinema
    Fernanda Zaché
    Qualsiasi lettore che si accinga ad analizzare i testi del più famoso drammaturgo inglese noterà certamente che William Shakespeare era un grande osservatore della storia. È curioso rendersi conto che la sua opera ha superato i secoli ed è ancora oggi fedelmente applaudita. Data la notoria universalità delle sue opere, che sono state rivisitate in vari generi e ambiti artistici...

    77,50 €

  • Диалоги между литературой и кино
    Фернанда Заке
    Любой читатель, который возьмется за анализ текстов самого знаменитого драматурга Англии, непременно заметит, что Уильям Шекспир был великим наблюдателем истории. Любопытно осознавать, что его творчество преодолело века и продолжает вызывать искренние аплодисменты и сегодня. Учитывая пресловутую универсальность его произведений, которые пересматривались в различных жанрах и обл...

    77,56 €

  • Dialoge zwischen Literatur und Kino
    Fernanda Zaché
    Jeder Leser, der sich mit den Texten des berühmtesten englischen Dramatikers befasst, wird feststellen, dass William Shakespeare ein großer Beobachter der Geschichte war. Es ist erstaunlich, dass sein Werk die Jahrhunderte überdauert hat und auch heute noch treu beklatscht wird. Angesichts der notorischen Universalität seiner Werke, die in verschiedenen Genres und Bereichen der...

    77,56 €

  • Dialogues between literature and cinema
    Fernanda Zaché
    Any reader who sets out to analyze the texts of England’s most famous playwright will certainly notice that William Shakespeare was a great observer of history. It’s curious to realize that his work has transcended centuries and is still faithfully applauded today. Given the notorious universality of his works, revisited in various genres and areas of the arts, and still rich i...

    77,50 €

  • 西京兵变与前共产党人
    无 文 著
    1936年12月的西安事變,又稱西京兵變。兵變前的東北軍、西北軍中,多有共產黨背景的人受到特別重用,這些人的來路不一,有的與中共保持著組織關係,有的則是黨內高層爭鬥的出局者。在張學良身邊掌管機要的一批前共產黨人,對西安事變的爆發起到了出謀劃策的作用。事後,他們出於對史事負責,坦言自己是兵變的策動者。本書追蹤這夥人當年的行跡,探究西安事變起因的百年謎團。本書初版已有四分之一世紀,在史料運用、史事述評方面未聞批駁指謬,雖非專業史學學者所著,但其尋蹤探秘、據實考述的嘗試受到學界讚許。在中國內地、台灣地區無法出版的情況下,幸由旅美華人相助印行修訂本。 ...

    40,30 €

  • Assyrian Mythology
    Like many other belief systems hailing from this region, Assyrian mythology had an incredibly long-standing effect on other cultures and religions. Flourishing between 1900 BCE to 650 CE, Assyria has unique historical significance in the scheme of Mesopotamian mythology. Some of the most indicative archeological evidence of the beliefs of Mesopotamian mythology comes from the a...

    15,22 €

  • Toquuxla
    James N. Brenna
    If one has conquered nature, tamed nature, overcome and survived nature, changed, altered, or disturbed nature, one has accomplished nothing except to debase nature.However, when one can walk quietly through nature, observe it and leave it undisturbed, one has honored and loved nature. At the end of the last ice age, Toquuxla is the first human to walk into a land without peopl...

    12,93 €