Teoría psicológica y escuelas de pensamiento

Sociedad y ciencias sociales / Psicología / Teoría psicológica y escuelas de pensamiento (2204)

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  • La adolescencia y la familia en conflicto con la ley
    Roberto Vargas Arreola
    La adolescencia y la familia en conflicto con la ley son temas urgentes de plantear, teorizar y discutir. El presente libro es una aproximación clínica desde el psicoanálisis en articulación con algunos planteamientos sistémicos sobre el tema; plantea con ello el impacto que tiene el nivel intelectual como un criterio de peligrosidad. Al respecto, considera que ciertos factores...

    63,50 €

  • A Theory of Human Motivation
    Abraham H. Maslow / Abraham HMaslow
    An unabridged edition to include all notes and references from the 1943 publication, with footnotes - ...

    6,38 €

  • El Dolor en Relación al Acto Violento del Secuestro en Colombia
    Judith Elena García Manjarrés / Rosa Isabel Monterrosa
    El libro trata sobre el impacto psíquico que genera el acto violento del secuestro a aquellos que lo sufren y a sus familiares que, a partir de ese momento, empiezan a vivir la vida con la incertidumbre sobre lo que sucede con el ser querido que ha sido arrebatado de su cotidianidad. Así también, la forma como se inscribe el duelo y el dolor para los ciudadanos colombianos fre...

    56,97 €

  • Studies on Hysteria
    Josef Breuer / Sigmund Freud
    This early work by Sigmund Freud was originally published in 1895 and we are now republishing it with a brand new introductory biography. ’Studies on Hysteria’ is an work containing case studies and treatment methods for hysteria. Sigismund Schlomo Freud was born on 6th May 1856, in the Moravian town of Příbor, now part of the Czech Republic. He studied a variety of subjects, i...

    21,57 €

  • The Water of Life
    David L. Hart
    The intensive study of Jungian psychology was amplified by another subject, taught continuously while I was a student at the Jung Institute in Zurich, Switzerland: the psychology of fairy tales. The study of fairy tales was the specialty of a fairly young, single woman, Dr. Marie-Louise von Franz. She lectured to us English-speaking students in well-spoken English, and the conv...

    37,17 €

  • The Dream and Its Amplification
    Nancy Swift Furlotti
    ’The Dream and Its Amplification’ unveils the language of the psyche that speaks to us in our dreams. We all dream at least 4-6 times each night yet remember very few. Those that rise to the surface of our conscious awareness beckon to be understood, like a letter addressed to us that arrives by post. Why would we not open it? The difficulty is in understanding what the dream s...

    48,42 €

  • Penumbra
    Umbr(a) was one of the most important US theory journals of the 1990s and early 2000s, publishing work by some of the greatest philosophers, psychoanalysts and theorists of our era. In every regard, it was ahead of the curve - in content, design, and style - often introducing thinkers who have subsequently become globally influential. This anthology presents a selection of the ...

    27,64 €

  • A Theory of Human Motivation
    Abraham H. Maslow / Abraham HMaslow
    2013 Reprint of 1943 Edition. Full facsimile of the original edition, not reproduced with Optical Recognition Software. This is the article in which Maslow first presented his hierarchy of needs. It was first printed in his 1943 paper 'A Theory of Human Motivation'. Maslow subsequently extended the idea to include his observations of humans’ innate curiosity. His theories ...

    7,70 €

  • Impossible Love
    Jan Bauer
    Some love affairs mark our lives forever. Whether we call them la grande passion, tragic romance, or l’amour fou, they remain indelible because they are impossible. Why do we fall in love at the wrong time, in the wrong place, and with the wrong person? Why do we put up with the anxiety, the pain, the shame, and the longing never fulfilled?This brilliant book explores the natur...

    25,10 €

  • The Pursuit of Meaning
    Joseph B. Fabry / Joseph BFabry
    Contains the essence of the logotherapeutic writings of Viktor Frankl, who noted that many readers report that they understand some parts of logotherapy for the first time after reading this book. Fabry wrote in the introduction: Many older therapies place responsibility for our difficulties on our early upbringing. Logotherapy is "education to responsibility." Outside influenc...

    17,69 €

  • Sepé Tiaraju e a tradição de cura no RS
    Gelson Luis Roberto
    Este livro baseia-se na pesquisa da história e mitos criados em torno de um herói riograndense: Sepé Tiaraju, assinalando o papel que ocupa na tradição de cura do RS. A partir desse levantamento, procuremos saber até que ponto podemos reconhecer o mito em torno de Sepé e a prática dos curandeiros como exemplo de um processo psicóide. Buscamos esses questionamentos por dois moti...

    103,80 €

  • Fixing Gender
    Natasha Distiller
    Fixing Gender uses psychoanalysis to explore the theoretical implications for the gendering of the human subject that arise from the situation of lesbians raising children from birth. The book engages with feminist psychoanalytic debates about gender development and the role played by the Oedipus complex in the formation of gender identity. Through an examination of literature ...

    57,38 €

  • Sigmund Freud’s The Interpretation of Dreams
    Laura Marcus / TBD
    This volume is an ideal introduction to Freud’s work, and gives a clear sense both of the context of Freud’s text and of its influence throughout the twentieth century. It shows how his work shaped a vast amount of work in linguistics and semiotics, literary studies, film theory, psychology, philosophical hermeneutics and the history of ideas. ...

    29,68 €

  • Los rostros de la mujer sagrada
    Carolina Loreto Narea Rojas
    En este texto converge mi interés por la psicología analítica, los mitos y el trabajo psicoterapéutico. En él busco comprender -basándome en el concepto de arquetipo- las dinámicas estructurantes de la identidad femenina, para aportar en su comprensión. Para ello construí un instrumento que permite caracterizar los diferentes arquetipos femeninos descritos en el libro. Espero q...

    88,34 €

  • Aprender de los grandes cambios vitales
    Josefa Pérez Blasco
    Aprender de los grandes cambios vitales es la meta hacia la que se orienta este libro. Sin ignorar que los momentos críticos del desarrollo pueden comportar ciertas amenazas para el bienestar y la salud, el texto dirige la mirada del lector hacia el potencial positivo que encierran: hacia la posibilidad, no solo de resistir los desafíos de la vida, sino de evolucionar a partir ...

    18,00 €

  • The Uses of Psychoanalysis in Working with Children’s Emotional Lives
    For school professionals seeking to work in emotionally focused ways with children, this book offers a wide range of essays illustrating how psychodynamic ideas can be used to validate children, respect the contexts of their families and communities, and create non-authoritarian classrooms and schools in which such children might develop to their fullest potential. ...

    132,68 €

  • The Batting Doctor’s Cricket Wisdom
    The Batting Doctor

    29,70 €

  • The Batting Doctor’s Cricket Wisdom
    The Batting Doctor

    41,78 €

  • Re-reading Derrida
    Re-reading Derrida: Perspectives on Mourning and its Hospitalities, edited by Tony Thwaites and Judith Seaboyer, is a uniquely collaborative exploration of the legacies of Jacques Derrida. Scholars from a wide variety of fields respond to his work by addressing such issues as the politics of the memorial, poetry, trauma, film, neoliberalism, the novel, and psychoanalysis––and t...

    98,78 €

  • Rhetoric and the Familiar in Francis Bacon and John Donne
    Daniel Derrin
    Rhetoric and the Familiar examines the rhetorical practice of Francis Bacon and John Donne in both their writing and public speaking. It explores how their rhetorical planning negotiates the need both to use and combat familiar ideas, images, and emotions, when engaging different audiences. The book’s main selling points are that it explores well-known texts from the neglected ...

    114,04 €

  • Inhibitions, Symptoms and Anxiety
    Sigmund Freud / Alix Strachey
    2013 Reprint of 1936 Edition. Exact facsimile of the original edition, not reproduced with Optical Recognition Software. This work is one of the most important contributions to the purely clinical side of psychoanalytic work. It is mainly concerned with the problem of anxiety--its sources, mechanisms and functions--and the author’s earlier views n the subject are critically...

    14,19 €

  • Land, Weather, Seasons, Insects
    Dennis L. Merritt
    The Dairy Farmer’s Guide to the Universe Volume IV explores the environment, with the Midwest as an example, using traditional Jungian and Hillmanian approaches to deepen our connection with the land, the seasons, and insects. The Dalai Lama said how we relate to insects is very important for what it reveals much about a culture’s relationship with the psyche and nature. ........

    37,40 €

  • Understandable Jung
    Harry A. Wilmer / Harry AWilmer
    Harry Wilmer has a talent for taking the most complex and esoteric elements of Jungian theory and explaining them in a straightforward, amusing, and engaging manner. This sequel to Practical Jung offers humorous anecdotes and a wealth of useful information for teachers, therapists, social workers, pastoral counselors, and anyone who has ever wanted to know or understand more ab...

    59,71 €

  • The Autobiography of Wilhelm Stekel - The Life Story of a Pioneer Psychoanalyst
    Wilhelm Stekel
    Wilhelm Stekel was a pioneering psychoanalyst whose prodigious intuition and medical skill, permitted him to compile, study, and interpret the case histories of thousands of patients. He was in a hurry: Cataclysmic World War II events were besetting him, and a grave illness he well understood was hewing at his gaunt, proud figure. Calmly, but with intense speed, he prepared his...

    34,46 €

  • Bi-Sexual Love - The Homosexual Neurosis
    William Stekel
    This antiquarian book contains Wilhelm Stekel’s 1933 treatise on homosexuality, 'Bi-Sexual Love - The Homosexual Neurosis'. This volume is recommended for those with an interest in psychoanalaysis and early psychoanalytical literature. Wilhelm Stekel (1868 - 1940) was an Austrian psychologist and physician. He was an early follower of the seminal Sigmund Freud, often described ...

    31,99 €

  • Sex and Dreams - The Language of Dreams
    William Stekel
    This seminal psychoanalytic work by Wilhelm Stekel was intended as a guide to the interpretation of the Unconscious - for those who are concerned professionally with nervous disorders. An indispensible aid for contemporary psychoanalysts, this book is devoted to correlating subjects’ dreams with the neurotic character traits which confront their psychotherapeutic practitioners....

    28,67 €

  • Compulsion and Doubt (Zwang und Zweifel) - Volume II.
    Wilhelm Stekel
    This vintage book contains the second volume of Wilhelm Stekel’s 'Compulsion and Doubt', which covers a range of psychological aberrations, their symptoms, causes, and possible treatments. A fascinating treatise on the subject, this book is written with the accessibility Stekel is famous for, and constitutes a brilliant resource for students and practitioners alike. Contents in...

    34,40 €

  • Compulsion and Doubt (Zwang und Zweifel) - Volume I.
    Wilhelm Stekel
    This vintage book contains the first volume of Wilhelm Stekel’s 'Compulsion and Doubt', which covers a range of psychological aberrations, their symptoms, causes, and possible treatments. A fascinating treatise on the subject, this book is written with the accessibility Stekel is famous for, and constitutes a brilliant resource for students and practitioners alike. Contents inc...

    34,41 €

  • The Problem of Anxiety
    Henry Alden Bunker / Sigmund Freud
    2013 Reprint of 1936 Edition. Exact facsimile of the original edition, not reproduced with Optical Recognition Software. This book is an American translation of Freud’s 'Hemmung, Symptom und Angst.' Many regard this book as the most valuable clinical one written by Freud up to that date. 'The Problem of Anxiety' by focuses on Freud’s theory of anxiety-neurosis. This is a co...

    14,84 €

  • Engenderings
    Cairns Clery
    ’Engenderings’ is a collection of short and long poems which address the themes of identity across time and space in the context of uncertainty about the meaning of the human condition. The unifying thread running through these poems is an affirmation of what it means to be a person and to have feelings. The transcendent qualities of imagination, kindness and caring for others ...

    34,11 €