Cocina/comidas y bebidas, etc.

Estilo de vida, deporte y ocio / Cocina/comidas y bebidas, etc. (12050)

Libros Eliminar filtro Estilo de vida, deporte y ocio Eliminar filtro Cocina/comidas y bebidas, etc. Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Tastings
    Jeff Nappe
    In this book chef Jeff dishes out many of his greatest culinary secrets. Using French and Italian principles you will see flavors inspired by Norwegian, Indian, and Japanese cuisine. Through this book you get a chance to learn unique and creative recipes developed over the course of a decade. ...

    61,19 €

  • Vintage Art
    Vintage Revisited Press
    Vintage Art: Mrs Beeton: 20 Fine Art Prints showcases illustrations of culinary delights created by a range of artists for an edition of Mrs. Beeton’s Household Management (1923).The book edited by Isabella Mary Beeton (1836 1865), an English editor, journalist, and writer, served as a guide to managing homes during the Victorian era.How to use the prints:The beautiful one-side...

    29,70 €

  • Immunity Badhane ke liye Bhartiya Shakahari Vyanjan (Black and White Edition)
    La Fonceur
    Yeh cookbook unn khadya padartho par kendrit hai jo immunity ko badhava dene ke saath-saath superfoods ke sharir par aushadhiya prabhav dalte hain. Is cookbook ki recipe jin superfoods par adharit hain ve hain: • Green tea. • Chikatsiy prabhav wale jadi-butiyan: haldi, methi, aur tulsi ke patte. • Poshak tatvon se bharpurn sabjiyaan aur faliyaan: Shakarkand aur ankurit moong. •...

    38,56 €

  • Immunity Badhane ke liye Bhartiya Shakahari Vyanjan
    La Fonceur
    Yeh cookbook unn khadya padartho par kendrit hai jo immunity ko badhava dene ke saath-saath superfoods ke sharir par aushadhiya prabhav dalte hain. Is cookbook ki recipe jin superfoods par adharit hain ve hain: • Green tea. • Chikatsiy prabhav wale jadi-butiyan: haldi, methi, aur tulsi ke patte. • Poshak tatvon se bharpurn sabjiyaan aur faliyaan: Shakarkand aur ankurit moong. •...

    40,41 €

  • Kawaii Food and German Shepherd Coloring Book
    Spend your free time on the creative and relaxing hobby likes coloring on your favorite pet.Help you step away from the computer, television set, or tablet you are attached to.So, It is a perfect gift for your friends who love pets too. Each book has 62 pages, there are blank pages in between designs to ensure that you are not coloring on the back of an image. ...

    17,88 €

  • High Blood Pressure kam karne ke liye Bhartiya Shakahari Vyanjan
    La Fonceur
    Blood pressure is a measure of the force of blood against the walls of blood vessels. To prevent and control high blood pressure, this cookbook contains mouth-watering Indian vegetarian recipes based on superfoods that have the following therapeutic effects: - Foods that have a diuretic effect. - Foods that have potent vasodilating properties. - Foods rich in magnesium. - Foo...

    38,54 €

  • La cucina cruelty free
    Steve Camill
    La cucina cruelty free è un tipo di cucina che esclude l’uso di ingredienti di origine animale o di prodotti che sono stati ottenuti mediante pratiche che causano dolore o sofferenza agli animali. Si tratta di una scelta alimentare che mira a promuovere il rispetto per gli animali e a prevenire il loro sfruttamento. La cucina cruelty free può includere cibi vegetariani o vegani...

    36,26 €

  • Il digiuno intermittente
    Giulia Pirelli
    Il digiuno intermittente è un modello di alimentazione che prevede la rotazione di periodi di digiuno e di alimentazione. Ci sono molti modelli di digiuno intermittente, ma uno dei più comuni prevede il digiuno per 16 ore al giorno seguito da un periodo di alimentazione di 8 ore. Il digiuno intermittente può essere utilizzato come strumento per perdere peso, ma ci sono anche al...

    46,79 €

  • Drink Around the World
    Jimmy Sweeney
    For decades, Walt Disney World has been the source of inspiration for so many. Now, take a trip around the World from your house, with 101 unofficial cocktail recipes inspired by every current Disney World attraction, as well as a number of Nighttime Spectaculars and closed attractions.Inside, you’ll find cocktails for every occasion, whether it’s entertaining your fellow Disne...

    40,02 €

  • Mediterranean Diet Cookbook for Beginners
    Paolo Giancani
    The Mediterranean diet is a way of eating that is based on thetraditional cuisine of countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea,such as Italy, Spain, and Greece. It emphasizes whole grains, fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, and seeds, and includes moderate amounts of fish, poultry, and dairy products. ...

    30,07 €

  • The Compleat Cook
    Hannah Woolley
    'The Compleat Cook' is a historic cookbook that was originally published in 1658 by Hannah Woolley, a British author and cook. This cookbook is notable for being one of the earliest published cookbooks in English and for its significant influence on the culinary culture of its time. The full title of the book is 'The Compleat Servant-Maid, or, The Young Maidens Tutor: Directing...

    9,55 €

  • Culinary Canvas
    Alberta R. Kirkland
    'Culinary Canvas: A Palette of Flavors' invites you on an artistic and flavorful journey through the world of gastronomy. This cookbook is more than just a collection of recipes; it’s a celebration of the diverse and vibrant tapestry of tastes that make up the culinary landscape. Embark on a culinary adventure as each page unfolds a canvas of flavors, meticulously curated to ta...

    12,47 €

  • Inspirations
    François Lavergne
    Mon profil médical : mutation du gène KRAS Gly13Asp. Le gène correspond à une information qui code une protéine. ...

    17,44 €

  • Insolites
    François Lavergne
    Si les chiens pouvaient écrire, ils auraient une littérature encore plus riche que la nôtre. Le gourmand est animal. Il cherche juste prétexte à élégance. ...

    17,77 €

  • Dpd
    François Lavergne
    Le cahors, c’est le Sud chez nous, mais nous n’avons plus de vignobles depuis le phylloxéra, alors on le boit. C’est notre Tibur à nous. On a failli perdre les truffes, mais cela revient. On nous dit singuliers, résistants certainement. Solides comme des chênes, des Quercynois comme le nom l’indique. Mais du nord, en bordure de Dordogne. ...

    14,01 €

  • Révisions
    François Lavergne
    Le chimio ralentit mais ne soigne pas. Et guérit encore moins sans chirurgie. On joue sur les mots, soigner c’est traiter. Cela ne signifie pas résoudre mais éventuellement limiter ou contenir. Dans l’attente de ? ...

    14,01 €

  • Andouille
    François Lavergne
    La véritable andouille c’est moi. Ils veulent me sécher au bois de hêtre ? Pas encore prêt. ...

    18,76 €

  • Foods for a healthy weight
    Richard Icaré
    In this book, you’ll discover how to lose 10 pounds a month - a nice, safe loss of about two or two-and-a-half pounds a week - painlessly. ...

    26,04 €

  • Le Saké dans la poche
    François Lavergne
    L’arrivée du riz au Japon est tardive vers 400 avant J.-C. Pendant le période Jômon à partir de 12000 avant J.-C., la fermentation des grains existe (bière de nos civilisations). La première trace écrite du saké japonais se trouve dans la vie des habitants de Wa des chroniques de Wei, le Gishiwajinden vers 250 après J.-C. ...

    19,92 €

  • g13d
    François Lavergne
    Je me sens fatigué, je ne vois pas d’horizon. Normal à Paris. J’ai besoin d’être en scène pour exister. Cela devrait aller mieux la semaine prochaine où je donne des cours de deux heures, vin et chocolat, vins de France, vins et fromages. J’aurai au moins gagné mon manger. ...

    14,01 €

  • Vivre le Saké
    François Lavergne
    Depuis le début de l’écriture cunéiforme des Sumériens nous connaissons l’influence des vins sur les textes et la littérature. Pline l’Ancien signalait déjà notre consommation de grains humectés initiateurs de fermentation par amylases. Histoire naturelle. Avec l’arrivée du riz, il en était de même au Japon ...

    20,55 €

  • Saké pour Tous
    François Lavergne
    j’ai souvenir de l’Oyster bar du Selfridges à Londres. Des huîtres de trois origines, Scottish, Irish et English rocks. Trois verres devant moi, un champagne, un vin blanc espagnol gourmand, un saké. ...

    19,78 €

  • Esprits de Japon
    François Lavergne
    Le simple est souvent l’allié du bon pour tous. Le saké donne une élévation différente, plus lunaire, complémentaire au vin. Le yin d’un côté, le yang est de l’autre. La différence crée à la complexité, buvons multiple, notre plaisir s’élargira comme notre culture. Aimer l’autre, c’est s’apprendre soi-même. ...

    23,32 €

  • Se soigner
    François Lavergne
    LONSURF comprimé pelliculé est un nouvel antinéoplasique indiqué dans les lignes avancées du traitement du cancer colorectal métastatique (CCRm). ...

    18,69 €

  • Drinking Chihuahua Coloring Book
    Drinking Chihuahua Coloring Book, Animal Painting Pages with Many Coffee or Smoothie and Cocktail Drinks Recipes, Mojito, Mai TaiSpend your free time on creative and relaxing hobbies like drinking and coloring.It is a coloring book and a real recipe book for many drinks such as coffee and cocktail.Even if you are not a drinker, the cute Chihuahua pictures will make you love thi...

    17,88 €

  • The Essence of Italian Cuisine
    Chef Renato Falchi
    At the heart of Italy’s culinary tradition lies a world of flavors, textures and stories waiting to be rediscovered and reinterpreted. 'The Essence of Italian Cuisine' is acelebration of this richness, presenting a fusion of traditional cuisine and modern gourmet techniques.Through recipes inspired by renowned Italian chefs, this book takes readers on a culinary journey based o...

    64,06 €

  • The Essence of Italian Cuisine
    Chef Renato Falchi
    At the heart of Italy’s culinary tradition lies a world of flavors, textures and stories waiting to be rediscovered and reinterpreted. 'The Essence of Italian Cuisine' is acelebration of this richness, presenting a fusion of traditional cuisine and modern gourmet techniques.Through recipes inspired by renowned Italian chefs, this book takes readers on a culinary journey based o...

    44,88 €

  • Épilogue
    François Lavergne
    Pas d’indication à un traitement intrapéritonéal. Indication à une chimiothérapie systémique. ...

    31,13 €

  • Pasteles y diversión | Libro de colorear para niños | Diseños divertidos y adorables para amantes de la pastelería
    Funny Fantasy Editions
    'Pasteles y diversión' es el libro para colorear perfecto para los amantes de la fantasía y la diversión, los amantes de la comida y los entusiastas de colorear. Diversión garantizada para niños y niñas, ya que este impresionante libro les llevará de viaje por las maravillas de un imaginario y divertido planeta de dulces.Sus hijos se sentirán increíblemente felices y relajados ...

    21,24 €

  • Bolos e diversão | Livro de colorir para crianças | Designs divertidos e adoráveis para os amantes de pastelaria
    Funny Fantasy Editions
    'Bolos e diversão' é o livro de colorir perfeito para os amantes de fantasia e diversão, amantes de comida e entusiastas de colorir. Diversão garantida para meninos e meninas, pois esse incrível livro os levará a uma jornada pelas maravilhas de um planeta imaginário e divertido de doces.Seus filhos se sentirão incrivelmente felizes e relaxados com esse adorável livro para color...

    21,24 €